Aitor Ibarra Ibaibarriaga ESA XMM-Newton / SAS Development and Maintenance Team and SOC S/W Mainenance Team. I started working at ESAC in April 2003 as a Data System Software Engineer for the XMM-Newton mission. As part of my duties I have been in charge of the development of a Mission Planning tool for XMM-Newton and I also belong to the SAS development team, where I am in charge of the maintenance and development of tasks packages and SciSim maintenance. Since April 2003, I am more involved with my SAS duties where, apart from the tasks mentioned above, I am in charge of the implementation of new RGS functionality. As a research activity, here at ESAC I have been working in the analysis of the XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL monitoring campaign of the IGR J16318-4848 source. This source is the prototype, and one of the more extreme examples, of the new class of highly obscured Galactic X-ray sources discovered by INTEGRAL. I finished my Astrophysics studies in 1997 at the Physical Science University (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM). In September of this year, I was awarded a Research Personnel Fellowship in the Atomics Physics and Nuclear Department to work on the HEGRA (High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy) project. In 2000, I had the opportunity to become an Assistant Professor in Computer Architecture and Automatics Department of the Physical Sciences University (UCM). In this department, I worked in the High Level Synthesis field, studying and developing applications using evolutionary techniques (Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Strategies) for the optimization of equationals specifications by means of Genetic Programming.