Jan-Uwe Ness, Astronomer, juness@sciops.esa.int Main research field: X-ray observations of Classical Nova outbursts. Nova explosions occur in accreting cataclysmic binary systems and are powered by explosive nuclear burning of hydrogen-rich material that has previously been accreted by the white dwarf primary. The energetics of the explosion lead to the ejection of material at high velocities. Since the ejected material forms an optically thick envelope, all observations of novae are dominated by the characteristics of the outer regions of the ejecta, which behave similar to a stellar atmosphere. The outflow of mass decreases with time, and as a consequence the opacity of the envelope changes. This allows successively deeper views into the outflow where it is hotter. The peak of the observable spectrum then changes, starting in the optical and then moving to successively shorter wavelengths (=higher energies). After a few weeks to months (sometimes years), the envelope becomes bright in X-rays with a spectrum of an X-ray atmosphere. During this phase, the X-ray spectrum of the nova resembles those of the class of Super Soft X-ray Binary Sources (SSS). My work involves XMM-Newton, Chandra, and Swift X-ray and UV spectroscopy and monitoring observations of novae during the SSS phase. The X-ray spectra can be fitted with Blackbody curves, but they are a lot more complex. The high-resolution spectra contain deep absorption lines that are broadened and oftentimes significantly blue-shifted. The Swift monitoring light curves show extremely high degrees of variability, especially during the early SSS phase. The UV and X-ray brightness should be anticorrelated, but this is not always observed. Keywords - Classical Nova Outbursts - Super Soft X-ray Binary Sources - Single-degenerate Supernova Ia progenitors - High-Resolution X-ray spectroscopy: Absorption line spectra Ongoing collaborations (outside ESAC) - University of Hamburg (Germany: P. Hauschildt, D. vanRossum) - Harvard University (CfA, USA: J.J. Drake) - University of Leicester (UK: J. Osborne) - Liverpool John Moores University (UK: M. Bode) - Arizona State University (USA: S. Starrfield) - West Chester University (USA: G. Schwarz) - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA: M. Tsujimoto) External Supervision of Students/Postdocs: - University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic: A. Dobrotka) - Rikkyo University (Japan: D. Takei) - University of Muenchen (Germany: R. Schoenrich) Secondary Research: Stellar Activity and Stellar Coronae The formation and heating of the Solar Corona to 1000 times the photospheric temperature is still an outstanding problem. One approach is to study the coronae around other stars in order to find systematic trends between coronal properties and stellar parameters. High-Resolution X-ray spectra taken with XMM-Newton RGS and Chandra LETGS/HETGS allow measurements of temperatures densities, and elemental abundances. Keywords - High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of Stellar Coronae: Emission line spectra (Temperatures, Densities, Emission Measure Distributions) - Flare monitoring and spectral changes during flares - Simultaneous Doppler Imaging and X-ray spectroscopy Ongoing collaborations (outside ESAC) - University of Hamburg (J. H.M.M. Schmitt, C. Liefke, U. Wolter) - University of Oxford (C. Jordan)