Common Star Names

This table gives this Hipparcos identifier (HIP) for some of the common star names. The source for this table is Table ID6-1 from Volume 13 of The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues.
Common Star Names
Common Name HIP number Common Name HIP number
Acamar 13847 Groombridge 1830 57939
Achernar 7588 Hadar 68702
Acrux 60718 Hamal 9884
Adhara 33579 Izar 72105
Agena 68702 Kapteyn's star 24186
Albireo 95947 Kaus Australis 90185
Alcor 65477 Kocab 72607
Alcyone 17702 Kruger 60 110893
Aldebaran 21421 Luyten's star 36208
Alderamin 105199 Markab 113963
Algenib 1067 Megrez 59774
Algieba 50583 Menkar 14135
Algol 14576 Merak 53910
Alhena 31681 Mintaka 25930
Alioth 62956 Mira 10826
Alkaid 67301 Mirach 5447
Almaak 9640 Mirphak 15863
Alnair 109268 Mizar 65378
Alnath 25428 Nihal 25606
Alnilam 26311 Nunki 92855
Alnitak 26727 Phad 58001
Alphard 46390 Pleione 17851
Alphekka 76267 Polaris 11767
Alpheratz 677 Pollux 37826
Alshain 98036 Procyon 37279
Altair 97649 Proxima 70890
Ankaa 2081 Rasalgethi 84345
Antares 80763 Rasalhague 86032
Arcturus 69673 Red Rectangle 30089
Arneb 25985 Regulus 49669
Babcock's star 112247 Rigel 24436
Barnard's star 87937 Rigil Kent 71683
Bellatrix 25336 Sadalmelik 109074
Betelgeuse 27989 Saiph 27366
Campbell's star 96295 Scheat 113881
Canopus 30438 Shaula 85927
Capella 24608 Shedir 3179
Caph 746 Sheliak 92420
Castor 36850 Sirius 32349
Cor Caroli 63125 Spica 65474
Cyg X-1 98298 Tarazed 97278
Deneb 102098 Thuban 68756
Denebola 57632 Unukalhai 77070
Diphda 3419 Van Maanen 2 3829
Dubhe 54061 Vega 91262
Enif 107315 Vindemiatrix 63608
Etamin 87833 Zaurak 18543
Fomalhaut 113368 3C 273 60936