Emilio Salazar Doñate 




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(in progress, to be finished in 2024) Master’s Degree in Data Science and Engineering (Master en ingenieria y ciencia de datos) at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain. Master thesis: “Utilizing Supervised Learning with Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Accurate Galaxy-to-Cluster Membership Identification.

September 2018 Master’s Degree in Astrophysics (Master en Astrofísica) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain. Master Thesis: “Correlating High Energy Observations”

September 2011: Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering (Ingeniería Técnica Informática de Gestión) at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain.   

March 2008: Certificate of Higher Education: Genetics at University of Cambridge,UK.

Feb. 2.001: Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Curso de Adaptacion Pedagogica, CAP) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain.

Feb.2.000: Master’s degree in Physics Sciences (Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas, especialidad Cálculo Automático) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain.


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Fluent in English (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: Level C2) and Spanish (Mother Tongue). Beginner in German.


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European Space Agency, Madrid (Spain) (October 2011 - Present)

  • Scientific Satellite Operations Engineer for INTEGRAL and Solar Orbiter (ATG Europe contractor)

 INTEGRAL (30%) Gamma Ray Observatory in orbit since 2002. ISOC is in charge of the maintenance and improvement of the operational software (scheduling, proposal submission and evaluation, flight dynamics interface) and the administration of the Operations Database. Side projects in astrophysics and data mining.

Solar Orbiter (70%) Probe with a payload of 10 instruments taking data of the Sun. The SOC is maintaing the software tools for mission planning, low latency process pipelines and data processing.


Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain) (June 2010 - September 2011)

  • Software Engineer for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA)

The design of the pre-process and pipeline of the huge amount of data gathered by the CTA telescopes using LINUX distributed systems (Grid Technology).

Participating in the MAGIC upgrade (Software and Hardware)

The design and development of Web services and Websites using Java based components


Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC), Madrid (Spain) (Sep 2009– May 2010)

  • Software Engineer for Proteored

My role involved the creation of a platform to exchange information within the Proteomics National Institute (ProteoRed) using the HUPO-PSI standards.

Genedata, Basel (Switzerland) (May 2008 - August 2009)

  • Java Developer for Screener.

Taking part of the full life cycle of Screener (Application for high throughput and high content screening analysis and lead identification), using agile methodologies (Scrum). It is a Java based, server-client.


EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute), Cambridge (UK) (May 2005 - May 2008)

  • Software Engineer for UniProt.

                        UniProt is the world's most comprehensive catalogue of information on proteins.

Developing algorithms to generate protein-behaviour predictions (Data mining).

Designing and developing the Website using J2EE, Hibernate and BerkelyDB


Atos Origin. Madrid and Haugesund (Norway) (July 2000 – May 2005)

  • Junior Programmer – Senior Programmer:

ICM (Informática de Comunidad de Madrid (November 2003 - May 2005)

Infosynergi Change in Haugesund, Norway (July 2002 - July 2003)

Borzen Exchange Project in Madrid (July 2001 - July 2002)

Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games: SEMA INFO project (July 2000 - July 2001)

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  • Java 8-11 (Sun Certified Programmer and Developer), Spring Boot
  • Python 2-3: Data science and astronomy libraries: numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn, astropy, Keras, Tensorflow

Front End: AngularJS, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript

Databases: Oracle, Postgres and MySQL, MongoDB, Berkley DB

Other languages: PHP, Scala

Methodologies and Paradigms: ECSS, Agile (Scrum), Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration (Git, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, Jira, Confluence) Test driven development, Microservices

FEATURED Talks and publications


ESAC Tech Talks:

  • November the 23rd, 2018: SoopKitchen: Solar Orbiter’s Collaborative Mission Planning Tool
  • April the 22nd, 2016: Streamlining the INTEGRAL SOC Software


Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (MUNCYT) October the 4th 2015: (Talk: Agencia Espacial Europea: 50 años explorando el espacio)

HUPO (Human Proteome) PSI Spring meeting in Seoul (Korea). 2010 March 31st – April 3rd. (Talk: New Tools for MIAPE generation


Martínez-Bartolomé, Salvador, Salazar-Donate, Emilio et All: PACOM: a versatile tool to integrate,filter, visualize and compare multiple large MS proteomics datasets. J Proteome Res. 2018 Apr

P. Kretschmar, E. Salazar (ESA/ESAC) et all: Bright apastron outburst of GRO J1008-57, the Astronomers Telegram #6917

CTA Consortium: Design Concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Experimental Astronomy (2011) 32:193-316

J. Alberto Medina-Aunon, Emilio Salazar et all: The ProteoRed MIAPE web toolkit: A user-friendly framework to connect and share proteomics standards. June              19, 2011 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics

Emilio Salazar, Miguel A. López, Salvador Martínez-Bartolomé, Alberto Medina, J.Pablo Albar:  Java API for MIAPE generation. Proteómica número 5. Feb 2010

The UniProt Consortium. (2007) The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt). Nucleic Acids Research 36: D190-D195.