Tycho Slit Response Functions (SRFs) ====================================================================== This is a description of the data file tycSRF.txt that provides the Tycho-instrument Slit Response Functions (SRFs) that have been used in the Tycho-2 processing. The SRF data file contains 1211 lines and 10 columns. The first column is the bin number from -605 to +605 in steps of 1 where the bins are in units of samples/90.0. The second column gives the corresponding angle in units of arcsecond for the case of vertical slits. The eight last columns are the SRF values in the following order: IPU, IPL, VPU, VPL, IFU, IFL, VFU, VFL, where V means vertical, I means inclined, F means following, P means preceding, L means lower, and U means upper. The SRF values refer to the folded slit response function of the so-called T (= BT + VT) band, which is the photometric band that has been used in the astrometric Tycho-2 processing. ======================================================================