Astro-WISE information system Valentijn et al., for Astro-WISE consortium. Astro-WISE is an astronomical information system in which geographically distributed research communities collaboratively perform processing and scientific analysis of wide-field imaging surveys. The system includes a grid of data storage and data processing facilities and is integrated with the BiGGrid (Dutch National Grid Initiative) processing facilities . Astro-WISE supports survey operations: calibration, quality assessment control, archiving and publishing (also to Virtual Observatory), scientific analysis (for example variability studies, morphometry and photometric redshift determination), i.e. the processing from raw to final products and scientific results. All data products are stored in the system with full data lineage. The user can trace back the data processing chain and processing parameters used up to raw data. Astro-WISE implements a sophsticated access right system including private and public environments (from 'myDB' to public Virtual Observatory) . Users can be grouped in projects to share data and and its processing for particular instrument or survey. The Kilo Degree Survey consortium uses Astro-WISE to deliver its 440 night survey. In addition, Astro-WISE supports data processing for other surveys (e.g., VIKING, Coma Legacy Survey, WFI at MPG/ESO 2.2m surveys) and about a dozen instruments, (OmegaCAM at VST, VIRCAM at VISTA, WFC at INT, MegaCAM at CFHT, SuprimeCAM at Subaru). The public-private Target project develops information systems based on the Astro-WISE concept, including LOFAR Long-Term Archive and Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) data processing. Presently the Target infrastructure hosts 10 Petabytes of data storage. The talk will explain the concept behind Astro-WISE system and will demonstrate integrated quality control system of Astro-WISE, web services for data browsing and processing, adaptability to changes in the data model and pipelines, forward and backward chaining in the dependencies of the data items in the system and distributed data storage and processing.