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Back 2024-06-17 Gaia symposium at EAS "The (TWO) Billion Star Galaxy Census: from the Solar System to our Milky Way and beyond"

2024-06-17 Gaia symposium at EAS "The (TWO) Billion Star Galaxy Census: from the Solar System to our Milky Way and beyond"

The European Astronomical Society (EAS) will be meeting from 1-5 July in Padova, Italy. On 1 and 2 July a symposium is organised to present and discuss cience highlights resulting from Gaia EDR3 and Gaia DR3: "The (TWO) Billion Star Galaxy Census: from the Solar System to our Milky Way and beyond". More information is available from the EAS website Symposium 4, with a detailed programme of the speakers from the interactive programme for 1 July, and for 2 July by searching for the S4 series.

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Technology testing ongoing
3827 days in science operations
141,038 GB of science data gathered
267,336,261,480 transits observed

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