GAS - Sky Map Format



Description of file-format (Format Version 3)

The files are written in ASCII and consist of the header-part (lines 1 to 50)
and the data-part (lines 51 to EOF)



   1-10: HK-DATA

      1:     Dates of start/end of measurement, source-filename
  2 - 6:     HK - data, command register contents
      7:     File generation date
      8:     Ecliptic Longitute and Latitude of Sun, as seen from Ulysses
      9:                     "              Earth,     "
     10:                     "             Jupiter,    "

11 - 17: ECLIPTICAL DATA  (= contents of former NAV-file)

     11: Epoch(Y,DOY,H,M,S);
         Direction of Spinaxis (Ra,Dec; Ecl.Long, Ecl.Lat)
     12: Position + Velocity of ULS (eclipt. karth coord., AU, Km/s)
     13:             "          Earth          "
     14:             "          Jupiter        "
15 - 17: Transformation Matrix S/C - system -> ecliptic system
     18: Source-files for this file
19 - 20: TBD
21 - 49: Modell parameter (TBD)


    Lines 51 to EOF: the columns of each line have the following contents:

      1:      calculated countrate (counts/s * 100)
      2:      measured total counts
      3:      star-flag ( 0 = O.K.; 1 = counts contaminated by star-light)
                         -1 = not yet determined
  4 - 7:      see below ***** NOTE 1 ******
  8-EOL:      Pixelcoordinates (each direction is given in ecliptic Longitude
              and ecliptic Latitude (degrees))
                     - direction of center (line of sight)
                     - 4 directions to the corners of the pixel, (it may
                         be also 3 or 5 corners, in case the pixel is
                         cut by the borders of the coordinatesystem)

****************  NOTE 1:  ****************************************
columns 4,5,6,7 contain the time information (UTC)
when data started to be accumulated into that pixel (integration lasts over a
periode of typically 1 to 4 hours with certain dutycycles):
columns 4:year,  5:day of year, 6:hour,  7:minute
****************  NOTE 1:  ****************************************
last updated: 19 SEP 2002