

March 1st


08:30       Buses leave NH hotel Alberto Aguilera



09:30        Welcome  (Danny Lennon)

09:40        Logistics (Michael Küppers)


session 1: the aim mission

09:45       The Asteroid Impact Mission (Ian Carnelli et al., invited)      

10:15       The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): NASA element of AIDA (Andy Cheng  & Patrick Michel, invited)         

10:45       The Science of AIM and AIDA ( Patrick Michel, invited)


11:15        Coffee break


11:30        Orbit stability in the Binary Asteroid System Didymos – An opportunity for spacecraft  exploration (Friedrich Damme et al.)

11:45        Post-mitigation risk assessment for the AIM+DART impacting mission (Siegfried Eggl & Daniel Hestroffer)


session 2: physical and dynamical properties of (binary) asteroids and contribution by aim

12:00       Population of small asteroid systems: Binaries, triples, and pairs (Peter Pravec, invited)

12:30       Physics of two Potential Hazardous Asteroids using groundbased observations (Mirel Birlan et al.)

12:45       Dynamical Properties of the (65803) Didymos Binary (Kleomenis Tsiganis et al.)

13:00      The environment around (65803) Didymos: Conditions for loft regolith due to the fast  spin    of the primary. (Adriano Campo Bagatin et al.)

13:15     Determining the mass of Didymos' secondary by visual imaging (Björn Grieger & Michael Küppers)


13:30      Lunch break


14:30     Radio Science Investigations with Asteroid Impact Mission (Marco Zannoni et al.)

14:45      Physical Bulk Properties of the Didymos binary system to be determined by the ESA  Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM) (Tom Andert et al.)

15:00    Natural seismic sources at the Didymos binary system (Naomi Murdoch et al.)

15:15    Thermal model of Didymos' secondary throughout the Asteroid Impact Mission (Ivanka Pelivan  & Line Drube)

15:30     Asteroid Surface Alteration by Space Weathering Processes (Rosario Brunetto)

15:45     Small Bodies: Near and Far (SBNAF) (Thomas Müller et al.)


16:00     Coffee break


session 3: impact physics and asteroid deflection

16:15      Impact Cratering on Small Asteroids: Expectations and Opportunities for AIM. (Gareth Collins, invited)

16:45       Laboratory investigations of impact momentum transfer (Frank Schäfer et al.)

17:00       Laboratory impact experiments at varied gravitational acceleration combined with 3D    numerical simulation to determine the effect of a layered target on the efficiency of projectile impacts as a mean for asteroid deflection (Jens Ormö et al.)

17:15       NEOShield-2 - Science and Technology for Near-Earth Object Impact Prevention (Albert Falke et al.)


17:30      Discussion

18:00      Adjourn


18:15      Buses leave to Tres Cantos


Evening event at GMV premises, Tres Cantos:

19:00 Reception

19:15 Welcome and Presentation

19:30 Visit to GMV platform art Test facility

20:00 "Rosetta: A retrospective on riding a comet... and more to come!" by Nicolas Altobelli (ESA/ESAC)

20:25 "Rosetta: A precursor for planetary protection" by Andrea Accomazzo (ESA/ESOC)

20:50 AIM show

21:15 Coctail dinner

22:30 End of event


22:45 Buses leave to hotel



March 2nd


08:30       Buses leave NH hotel Alberto Aguilera


session 4: AIM spacecraft, payload concepts and associated science

09:30   Mission and Asteroid Operations Strategy of the Asteroid Impact Mission (Bastian Burmann et al., presentation given by Ingo Gerth)

09:45    Design and development of the GNC subsystem for the AIM mission (Massimo Casasco et al., presentation given by Guillermo Ortega)

10:00    The AIM scientific instruments as GNC sensors (Jesus Gil Fernandez et al.)

10:15    AIM Autonomous Vision Based GNC (Andrea Pellacani et al.)

10:30     Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT-2) for the AIM Mission (Stephan Ulamec et al.,    invited)


11:00     Coffee break


11:15    A Direct Observation of the Asteroid's Structure from Deep Interior  to Regolith: Two Radars  on the AIM Mission (Alain Herique et al., invited)

11:45    AIM Science with a Thermal Infrared Imager (Simon Green, invited)

12:15    Taking AIM at asteroids in the thermal infrared (Marco Delbo)

12:30    Design concepts and options for the Thermal Infrared Imager (TIRI) as part of ESA's Asteroid Impact Mission (Neil Bowles et al., presentation given by Javier Licandro)

12:45    OPTEL-D System Description, Auxiliary Functions and Key Parameters (Thomas Dreischer)

13:15    An Emission Spectrometer, and other Instruments forming Part of AIM-PALS Payload to Study DART Spacecraft Impact in Asteroid 65803 Didymos' Satellite (Josep Trigo-Rodríguez et al.)


13:30    Lunch


14:30    The Asteroid Geophysical Explorer (AGEX); Proposal to Explore Didymos System with Cubesats (Ozgur Karatekin et al.)

14:45   ASPECT spectral imaging satellite proposal to AIDA/AIM CubeSat payload (Tomas Kohout  et al.)

15:00   CUBATA – Cubesat mission for Asteroid characterisation in collaboration with AIM (Diego Escorial Olmos et al.)

15:15    Didymos System Gravity Field Reconstruction and DART Impact Characterization with COPINS Radio Science Experiment (Marco Gregnanin et al., presentation given by Daniele Durante)

15:30   VISTA, a thermogravimeter to measure dust and volatile from Dydimos (Andrea Longobardo et al.)

15:45   Compositional Mapping of Interplanetary Dust with a Small Dust Telescope (Ralf Srama et al.)


16:00   Coffee break


16:15   Conclusions (all)

16:45   Adjourn


17:00   Buses leave to hotel and airport