Release Notes


Version 3.4.0


HREDA archive version 3.4.0 is about the ingestion of public investigations with attachments and the visualization and download of ancillary data. These implies:

  • Public Attachments Ingestion on the investigations.
  • Ancillary Data Access.
  • Ancillary Data Download.
  • Add banner to the user interface for general announcements. 
  • HISS logout improvement.
  • Update the filtering by mission and platform on the investigation advance search.
  • Sensitive Blank Book Ingestion.


Version 3.3.1


HREDA archive version 3.3.1 is a patch release to fix asynchronous download problems.


Version 3.3.0


HREDA archive version 3.3.0 is about the ingestion of ancillary sensitive data and continuous delivery. These implies:

  • Ancillary sensitive data ingestion.
  • Implement HREDA continuous delivery scripts and procedures.
  • Improve look and feel.


Version 3.2.0


HREDA archive version 3.2.0 is about access to sensitive decrypted data for authorize users and new web look and feel. These implies:

  • Update user interface to allow user to request access to the sensitive investigation data.
  • Conection to HISS authentication server.
  • Download sensitive decrypted data for authorized users.
  • Update data model to remove the mandatory dataset for ancillary data. 
  • Migration of the Web using Angular 14 and Material to a new look and feel. 
  • New direct access URL to the investigation data access page.


Version 3.1.0


HREDA archive version 3.1.0 is about the administrators access to encrypted science sensitive data and small updates. These implies:

  • Update user interface to allow administrators download encrypted sensitive data.
  • Added operations entity to the experiment table.
  • Improve look and feel and usability on the page.
  • Bug: update data search when filters values have special characters. 
  • Bug: deactivate files when the re-ingestion implies changes on the relative path of the data.


Version 3.0.1


HREDA archive version 3.0.1 is a patch release to fix security issues.


Version 3.0.0


HREDA archive version 3.0.0 is about the storage of encrypted science sensitive data and small updates. These implies:

  • Adapt the data model to handle sensitive data (science and ancillary).
  • Update the system to ingest science sensitive data.
  • Update the command line applications to allow administrators download encrypted data. 
  • Adapt filters to be able to use special characters on them.
  • Include ancillary data on statistics.
  • Added the data owners to the data.
  • Bug: Ingest ancillary data with special characters like "#" on the directory name. 


Version 2.2.0


HREDA archive version 2.2.0 is about the separation of the experiments and datasets and small updates. These implies:

  • Adapt the application to the separation of concepts between datasets and experiments.
  • Add to the data list the file size in each data product.
  • Downloading directly the last blank book without the metadata available.
  • Show the dataset description when hovering the mouse over a dataset name.
  • Added the data owners to the data.
  • Downloading data synchronously is done now in background mode.
  • Updated the system to ingest ancillary data.
  • Update help pages to reflect the latest changes on the archive.
  • Update dataset list behaviour to hide not accessible datasets.
  • Remove "Sign in" message from the data access page when the user is already sing in.
  • Migration of previous data to the new model.


Version 2.1.3


Version 2.1.3 of the archive is a patch release to fix the following:

  • Bug: Prior Access Period is not applied correctly for new data


Version 2.1.2


Version 2.1.2 of the archive is a patch release to fix the following:

  • Bug: Search by more than one Product Type is not working in Data Search


Version 2.1.1


The focus of this version 2.1.1 was on improving the User eXperience (UX) when using the web portal. Major changes include:

  • Improve History behaviour - to keep filter criteria when moving between pages
  • All search filters can be cleared individually with an 'x' button
  • Homogenization of components and buttons style across pages
  • Improve data product download feature, to clearly identify when activity is running in the backend and have more clear messages on what to expect (synchronous vs. asynchronous)
  • Homogenization of the URL for investigations
  • Improve results sorting


Version 2.1


HREDA archive version 2.1 is about the integration of the HRE Data Archive with the Erasmus Experiment Archive (EEA). These implies:

  • Update of the data model to incorporate the information from the EEA. 
  • Update of the ingestion module to be able to ingest information from both sources SDC and HRE and customise for the new data model.
  • Migrate all the data already stored on the HREDA archive to the new model
  • Migrate user interface to new ESDC Look and Feel closer to ESA Brand guidelines.
  • Update user interface to:
    • show all the new information and to provide a clear way of navigate throw it. 
    • improve User Experience.
  • Update help pages with the new information and explain the way to get the information from the new model.
  • Modify the Authorization model to decouple the security level from the Prior Access Period, so during a Prior Access Period data is restricted to privileges users only, and after that, data is available depending on their security level.
  • On-going, technical evolution of user interface by migration from Nebula to Material library


Version 2.0.3


Version 2.0.3 of the archive is a patch release for:

  • "Download All" button is enabled when there are files to download.
  • Tooltip of "Download All" explains that downloads all the files results of the search.


Version 2.0.2


Version 2.0.2 of the archive is a patch release to fix the following:

  • Bug: Search by investigation was not working when the investigation name and/or description have an apostrophe (') symbol.
  • Bug: Search was incorrect in some cases after clearing the enumeration filters.
  • Bug: Limits on numerical filters were not reset correctly for values bigger than 100. 
  • Bug: File size was not stored correctly on DB for files bigger than 2 GB. 


Version 2.0.1


Version 2.0.1 of the archive is a patch release to fix the following:

  • Bug: when one or more files selected for download have the same filename as other files, all files with that filename are downloaded.
    The fix allows to download only the selected files.


Version 2.0


Version 2.0 of the archive is the release for HREDA archive that provides for the first time a web user interface and storage of ancillary data. The main features of this version are:

New entry point, WEB PORTAL:

  • 'Home' page offers different navigation options: search for investigations, help pages, about the archive and contact.
  • Authentication.
  • Investigation search with possibility of filtering by Platform, Increment, Research Area, Date range or Keywords
  • Details view of a selected investigation.
  • Possibility to access directly to an investigation's details view via URL.
  • Access to the investigation's Blank Book when available.
  • Access to investigations's data when available.
  • Investigation's data search with possibility of filtering by custom filters (depending on investigation), for example, by Run Name.
  • Metadata and Data access rights management, access granted to restricted metadata and data through Authorization.
  • Data download allowed only after Authentication.
  • Synchronous data download for retrieval requests smaller than 1GB.
  • Asynchronous data download, with HTTP resume possibility, for retrieval requests larger than 1GB.
  • Cookie policy.

Data stored and available:

  • Vessel ID experiment
  • SEBA experiment

Data access:

  • Download metadata file together with data file
  • Upgrades for storing ancillary data (blackbox data)
  • Upgrades for identifying at ingestion time when an investigation has science data and/or ancillary data (blackbox).
  • Upgrades on TAP views to use the start and end time of the increments (info added to Data Definition help page).

Archive Script Interface & Help:

  • Upgrade the Look&Feel to become more similar to the Web Portal. 
  • New section for a Quick Start Guide of the Web Portal.
  • New section to explain About the archive.
  • Added contact address for Content Curator.
  • Added examples on how to access Investigation's blank book via direct HTTP requests. 


  • Added tracking of page views of the web portal and help pages by Matomo (installed at ESAC premises).


Version 1.3


Version 1.3 of the archive is the release for HREDA archive including updates in the HTTP resume and updates on the search filters. The main features of this version are:

Data access:

  • HTTP download resume available for asynchronous retrieval requests.
  • Upgrades to store and update searchable and non-searchable experiment specific parameters.
  • Upgrades for storing and providing range information (maximum and minimum values) of date intervals and numeric intervals search filters
  • Upgrades for storing and providing list of values of enumeration search filters

Archive Script Interface:

  • Updated help section including new examples about search filters and specific experiment metadata
  • Updated help section to describe the new HTTP resume download and the asynchronous queries
  • Updated help description section to include new fields available for search


Version 1.2


Version 1.2 of the archive is the release for HREDA archive including updates on the search filters. The main features of this version are:

Data stored and available:

  • DCMIX2 experiment: images and telemetry available

Data access:

  • Upgrades for storing information about search filters 
  • Upgrades for storing information about datasets

Archive Script Interface:

  • Updated help section including new examples about search information for the specific experiment metadata
  • Updated help description section to include new fields available for search


Version 1.1


Version 1.1 of the archive is the release for HREDA archive including some N-USOC experiments. The main features of this version are:

Data stored and available:

  • EMCS experiments from N-USOC available
    • Gravi1
    • Gravi2
    • Multigen1
    • CellWallResistWall
    • GenaraA
    • PlantSignaling
    • SeedlingGrowth1
    • SeedlingGrowth2
    • SeedlingGrowth3
    • PlantRNARegulation
    • PlantGravityPerception
    • Tropi1
    • Tropi2
  • EPOGreenhouse experiment from N-USOC
  • DCMIX3 experiment: images and telemetry available
  • Asynchronous TAP search and download

Archive Script Interface:

  • Updated help section including data definition description and EMCS experiments examples
  • Jupyter Notebook example for generic searches


Version 1.0


Version 1.0 of the archive is the first official release for HREDA archive. The main features of this version are:

Data stored and available:

  • Preparation to store experiments from N-USOC
  • Preparation to store experiments from DCMIX
  • DCMIX4 experiment: images and telemetry available

Data access:

  • TAP(Table Access Protocol)+ available to access the data
  • Authentication
  • User groups management
  • Data access rights management, access granted to restricted data through Authorization
  • Data download allowed only after Authentication

Archive Script Interface:

  • Help section including query examples
  • Python module to access HREDA from Python scripts
  • Jupyter Notebook example
  • Easy access to DCMIX4 data