Files names and extensions used for WFPC2 (U)

Fileid STSDAS suffix FITS suffix File content Approx. size Example
Raw data files
uxxxxxxxx_d0f _d0h/_d0d _d0f.fits It contains the WFPC2 image data with the readout from each CCD detector in each group. Hence from 1 to 4 groups may be present. Keywords in the header are used to select the various processing steps and to specify the names of the necessary reference files. 5 MB U4VC0101R_D0F
uxxxxxxxx_q0f _q0h/_q0d _q0f.fits The DQF must consist of short integers and have the same dimensions and number of groups as the Science Image file. Each pixel indicates the quality of the corresponding pixel in the Science Image file. Zero valued pixels indicate "good" pixels in the Science Image file and nonzero valued pixels flag various problems or potential problems with their corresponding pixels. 5 MB U4VC0101R_Q0F
uxxxxxxxx_x0f _x0h/_x0d _x0f.fits It contains the two "engineering" column and, for FULL mode, the 12 columns of overclocked pixels. It has the same number of groups as the Science Image file. 100 kB U4VC0101R_X0F
uxxxxxxxx_q1f _q1h/_q1d _q1f.fits The EED quality file must consist of short integers and have the same dimensions and number of groups as the EED file. Each pixel indicates the quality of the corresponding pixel in the EED file. Zero valued pixels are "good" pixels in the EED file and nonzero valued pixels flag various problems or potential problems with their corresponding pixels. 100 kB U4VC0101R_Q1F
uxxxxxxxx_shf _shh/_shd _shf.fits Telemetry values and spacecraft operation data. This file is not currently used by CALWP2, but it is part of the standard WF/PC-II dataset. 30 kB U4VC0101R_SHF
uxxxxxxxx_pdq _pdq _pdq.fits Text file containing jitter statistics and other data quality information 20 kB U4VC0101R_PDQ
Calibrated data files
uxxxxxxxx_c0f _c0h/_c0d _c0f.fits It is in REAL format (although an option is available to provide FITS-like scaling to SHORT or LONG integers). Extreme values resulting from input data values outside of the range of the WF/PC-II AtoD converter (0 to 4095) are edited to limit the range of values in the output image. These pixels are set to the value of the keyword RSDPFILL and flagged in the DQF. 10 MB U4VC0101R_C0F
uxxxxxxxx_c1f _c1h/_c1d _c1f.fits The DQF for the Calibrated Science Image file follows the same conventions as the Science Image Data Quality file. This contains the result of bitwise ORing, the input DQF, and all DQFs associated with reference files used in the processing of the Science Image file. 5 MB U4VC0101R_C1F
uxxxxxxxx_drz _drz _drz.fits Multidrizzled calibrated science image file at WF scale 30 MB U4VC0101R_DRZ
uxxxxxxxx_drz _drzpc _drzpc.fits Multidrizzled calibrated science image of PC only 6 MB U4VC0101R_DRZPC
uxxxxxxxx_trl _trl _trl.fits Trailer file 10-30 kB U4VC0101R_TRL

All WFPC2 science files are now offered both in the old waivered FITS format and as multi-extension FITS files. The latter use a 'm' instead of a 'f' in the extension (examples: _d0m, _c0m, c1m)