Conditions of use

The images in the Venus Ground-Based Image Active Archive have been submitted by the community. You may use these images for public relation or research purposes on the following conditions:

  • When using an image for public relation activities, the following line shall be provided with the image: "Image courtesy: CREDITS" where CREDITS is the text provided in the keyword with the same name. This typically contains the name of the author.
  • When the data is used in a publication, the 'Acknowledgements' section of the paper shall give credit to the image author: "The authors wish to thank the following people for providing ground-based Venus observations to the ESA Venus ground-based image Active Archive: OBSERVER 1, OBSERVER 2, ... The data can be accessed via the ESA's ground-based image active archive at". where OBSERVER is the contents of the keyword with the same name.
  • The images may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by ESA/RSSD or any ESA/RSSD employee of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead.
  • ESA/RSSD does not guarantee that the provided data is accurate or unable to cause damages. Use this service at your own risk.

If further information or assistance is needed, please contact us via e-mail.