Guidelines - ExoplanetsWorkingGroup
Code of Conduct
Applicable to all events organised by the ESA Exoplanet Team
The European Space Agency (ESA) strives to create a positive work environment where all people are treated with respect and dignity. In the context of ESA Science workshops and conferences, all participants are expected to help create an environment at the meeting and all associated activities that is professional, inclusive, and in which everyone is treated with respect.
All participants are therefore requested to follow these guidelines:
- All participants are expected to behave professionally and to be respectful – critique ideas not people.
- All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience taking into account the many different backgrounds and perspectives of the participants.
- Participants may share the contents of talks/slides via social media unless speakers have asked that specific details/slides not be shared. If participants wish to share photos of a speaker on social media, it is strongly recommended that they first get the speaker’s permission.
ESA does not tolerate unprofessional or inappropriate behaviour or statements. This includes but isn’t limited to: sustained disruption of talks, comments related to individual characteristics, background or identity, and photography or recording of an individual without consent.
Meeting organisers and chairs bear a particular responsibility in ensuring that the code of conduct is followed.
- The Local Organising Committee members are designated as the contact points for all matters related to this code. Participants can report any violation of these guidelines to these designates in confidence.
- Should a participant witness behaviour they suspect may be unprofessional or inappropriate, it is recommended that they approach the affected person as soon as possible to support and help them. The witness can encourage the affected person to report the unprofessional or inappropriate behaviour but should be guided by that person on their preferred course of action.
- Anyone requested to stop inappropriate behaviour is expected to comply immediately. In serious cases, a participant may be asked to leave the event without a refund or, in the case of online participation, the removal of meeting credentials.
- In the case where the unprofessional or inappropriate behaviour involves an ESA staff member, ESA’s Human Resources Department may be contacted for further guidance on the applicable policies and means of action.
Acknowledgments: This code of conduct has been adapted from the London Code of Conduct (by A. Pontzen and H. Peiris), which was derived from original Creative Commons documents by PyCon and Geek Feminism. It is released under a CC-Zero licence for reuse. To help track people's improvements and best practice, please retain this acknowledgement, and log your re-use or modification of this policy at: .
Event Recording Notice
Applicable to all events organised by the ESA Exoplanet Team
Please note that we generally intend to record meetings organised by the ESA Exoplanet Team (including HAESM, MAESM, and ESA Think Tank on Astrobiology) via online meeting tools. By participating in the meeting, participants acknowledge and accept the recording (including photography, audio and video recording) to take place and that their personal data (e.g. image, name, voice, etc.) will be collected by, or for, ESA:
- in accordance with ESA Personal Data Protection Framework, available on the ESA website at the URL ; and
- to enable ESA to contribute to a better and more coordinated space technology research and development activities among all European actors, to create scientific and historical records and, generally, in connection with the fulfilment of ESA purpose.
For these purposes, all or part of the recordings may be disclosed to ESA contractors involved in the organisation of the event or generally providing services to ESA. Also, such recordings may be disclosed to the other participants attending the meeting and may be made available for public viewing on ESA websites. See the privacy notice for the specific event for further details.
Online attendees and physical and online question askers will be recorded. You have the option to attend the event without any personal data being recorded by not providing it during the meeting. If you wish to opt out from your personal data being recorded while attending online, ensure your camera is not enabled, your microphone is muted, and you do not display your name in the conferencing software. If you wish to ask questions, only do so in the provided chat/question box in the meeting or provide them in advance by email to the meeting organisers or their designated representative. If attending in person, do not ask questions directly. You may pass then to a conference organiser before the event or to an attendee who is willing to ask the question for you.
For further information that you are entitled to under the current ESA framework, please contact the DPO at:
WebEx Etiquette
Applicable to all events organised by the ESA Exoplanet Team
- Your screen name should be your full name followed by your institution in brackets, e.g. "Mae Carol Jemison (NASA)"
- Keep your microphone muted to minimize background noise
- Make use of the chat & participants menu
- Speakers will miss the visual feedback. In the chat & participants menu you can make up for that, by leaving nice remarks, using thumbs-up emojis, raising your hand, and clapping after the talks
- To ask questions, either use the "raise hand" button in the participants menu and prepare to be called up, or write them down in the chat for the chair to read them out
- Continue conversations with speakers in our Teams channel