Programme - FWPD
11:00 George Efstathiou The Legacy of Planck (talk to ESAC community)
13:30 Jose Alberto Rubino-Martin, RADIOFOREGROUNDS. Combining PLANCK and QUIJOTE MFI data14:00 Biuse Casaponsa, Component separation with neural networks with Planck + QUIJOTE MFI
14:20 Frédérick Poidevin, Galactic AME sources in the QUIJOTE-MFI North Hemisphere Wide-Survey
14:40 Hans Kristian Eriksen, Next generation LFI processing with BeyondPlanck
15:10 Guilaine Lagache, CIB: what can still be learned from CMB experiments?
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Patricio Vielva, Recovering T-E correlated and T-E uncorrelated maps from CMB maps
16:20 Pedro Carvalho, Reliability and Thermal Properties of high-frequency sources in the PCCS2
16:40 Bruce Partridge, Using Planck for the Absolute Calibration of Ground-Based Instruments
17:00 Graça Rocha, Generating a new catalog of polarized, variable, compact sources from Planck time-ordered data
17:20 Will Handley, Inflation, curvature and kinetic dominance
17:40 Jacques Delabrouille, The Planck legacy sky model
18:10 End
18:30 Bus to El Escorial
8:00 Bus leaves EL Escorial
9:00 Jean-Loup Puget & Jean-Marc Delouis, Improved HFI frequency maps beyond the 2018 release
9:45 Reijo Keskitalo, NPIPE processing of Planck data
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Ingunn Wehus, Component separation of NPIPE maps
11:30 Charles Lawrence/Reijo Keskitalo/Brandon Hensley, Polarization maps at 545 and 847 GHz
11:50 Luca Pagano, Power spectra and tau likelihood
12:10 Paolo Natoli/Alessandro Gruppuso, Combining low-ell polarization data
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Carlo Baccigalupi, Planck & Future Satellite missions
14:30 Mathieu Remazeilles, Can the relativistic SZ effects alleviate the Planck tension on σ8?
14:50 Gianfranco De Zotti, A systematic search for strongly lensed sub-mm galaxies in Planck catalogues
15:10 Marco Bersanelli, European plans for future CMB experiments
15:40 Jan Tauber, Conclusion
15:50 Coffee
16:30 Bus to Barajas
16:30 ST meeting (ST only)
18:30 END