It is possible to query the eHST using a dedicated module, called astroquery.esa.hubble, within the python Astroquery package. The module is included in the latest version of Astroquery, which can be installed via pip:

pip install astroquery

Alternative ways of getting the latest version of astroquery, or the development version, can be found here

The documentation for the module can be found here.

The following Jupyter notebook science cases are available:


1. Searching for white dwarfs in the Globular Cluster M4


This Jupyter notebook shows you how to use the eHST astroquery module to query the Hubble Source Catalog (HSC), how to search for observations of M4 in the HST archive, how to download and visualise the images, plot the HSC sources on top of an HST observation and identify white dwarf candidates following the science case in Richer et al. 1997, ApJ 484, 741).

Download the notebook:


2. Globular clusters in M87


This Jupyter notebook shows you how to use the eHST astroquery module to query the Hubble Source Catalog (HSC), how to search for observations of M87 in the HST archive, how to download and visualise the images and plot the HSC sources on top of an HST observation.

Download the notebook:


3. Hubble Catalog of Variables light curve period analysis


This notebook shows you how to access the HCV using the EHST TAP via astroquery and provides some example use cases such as:

  • Querying the HCV for a particular object or performing a cone search.
  • Plotting the light curves as a function of observation date.
  • Computing the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of the light curve in one band.
  • Phase and plotting the light curve.
  • Downloading an associated HLA image.
  • Plotting sources on an associated HLA image.
  • Visualising cutouts of HLA images.

Download the notebook: