Solar wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Link Explorer



SMILE definition study report (Red Book), published 17 December 2018, shall be refereed to as follows

Branduardi-Raymont, G., Wang, C., Escoubet, C.P. et al., SMILE definition study report, European Space Agency, ESA/SCI, 1, 2018;
See full citation below

Earth and Planetary Physics special issue on the SMILE mission (Sun, Tianran, Hyunju Connor, Andrey Samsonov, Preface to the Special Issue on Modeling and Data Analysis Methods for the SMILE mission, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 1-4, 2024;

Carter, J.A., M. Dunlop, C. Forsyth, K. Oksavik, E. Donovon, A. Kavanagh, S.E. Milan, T. Sergienko, R.C. Fear, D.G. Sibeck, M. Connors, T. Yeoman, X. Tan, M.G.G.T. Taylor, K. McWilliams, J. Gjerloev, R. Barnes, D.D. Billet, G. Chisham, A. Dimmock, M.P. Freeman, D.-S. Han, M.D. Hartinger, S.-Y.W. Hsieh, Z.-J. Hu, M.K. James, L. Juusola, K. Kauristie, E.A. Kronberg, M. Lester, J. Manuel, J. Matzka, I. McCrea, Y. Miyoshi, J. Rae, L. Ren, F. Sigernes, E. Spanswick, K. Sterne, A. Steuwer, T. Sun, M.-T. Walach, B. Walsh, C. Wang, J. Weygand, J. Wild, J. Yan, J. Zhang, Q.-H. Zhang, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 275-298, 2024;

Cucho-Padin, G., H. Connor, J. Jung, B. Walsh, D.G. Sibeck, Finding the magnetopause location using soft X-ray observations and a statistical inverse method, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 184-203, 2024;

Cucho-Padin, G.,  H. Connor, J. Jung, M. Shoemaker, K. Murphy, D. Sibeck, J. Norberg, E.  Rojas, A feasibility study of 4-D tomography of soft X-ray magnetosheath emissivities using multi-spacecraft measurements, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, 2024;

Echim, M., Costel Munteanu, Gabriel Voitcu, Eliza Teodorescu, Magnetopause properties at the dusk magnetospheric flank from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations, the kinetic Vlasov equilibrium, and in situ observations − Potential implications for SMILE, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 222-233, 2024;

Grandin, M., H.K. Connor, S. Hoilijoki, M. Battarbee, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, K. Papadakis, M. Palmroth,  Hybrid-Vlasov simulation of soft X-ray emissions at the Earth’s dayside magnetospheric boundaries, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 70-88, 2024;

Guo, J., TianRan Sun, San Lu, QuanMing Lu, Yu Lin, XueYi Wang, Chi Wang, RongSheng Wang, Kai Huang, Global hybrid simulations of soft X-ray emissions in the Earth’s magnetosheath, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 47-58, 2024;

Hubbard, M.W.J., O. Hetherington, D. J. Hall, T.W. Buggey, S. Parsons, T. Arnold, A. Holland, C. Pagani, S. Sembay, The CCD instrument background of the SMILE SXI, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 15-24, 2024;

Hsieh, S.-Y.W. and David G. Sibeck, Origins of perturbations in dayside equatorial ground magnetograms, , Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 215-221, 2024;

Hyangpyo, K., Hyunju K. Connor, Jaewoong Jung, Brian M. Walsh, David Sibeck, Kip D. Kuntz, Frederick S. Porter, Catriana K. Paw U, Rousseau A. Nutter, Ramiz Qudsi, Rumi Nakamura, Michael Collier, Estimating the subsolar magnetopause position from soft X-ray images using a low-pass image filter, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 173-183, 2024;

Jorgensen, A.M., TianRan Sun, Y. Huang, L. Li, R. Xu, L. Dai, Chi Wang, Tomographic reconstruction of the Earth’s magnetosheath from multiple spacecraft: a theoretical study, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 204-214, 2024;

Jung, J., Hyunju Connor, Andrew Dimmock, Steve Sembay, Andrew Read, Jan Soucek, Mshpy23: a user-friendly, parameterized model of magnetosheath conditions, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 89-104, 2024;

Koutroumpa, D., Solar wind ion charge state distributions and compound cross sections for solar wind charge exchange X-ray emission, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8, 105-118, 2024;

Küntz, K.D., D. Koutroumpa, W. R. Dunn, A. Foster, F. S. Porter, D. G. Sibeck, B. Walsh, The magnetosheath at high spectral resolution, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 234-246, 2024;

Liang, J., D.M. Gillies, E. Spanswick, E.F. Donovan, Converting TREx-RGB green-channel data to 557.7 nm auroral intensity: Methodology and initial results, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 258-274, 2024;

Ohma, M. Madelaire, K.M. Laundal, J.P. Reistad, S.M. Hatch, S. Gasparini, S.J. Walker, Background removal from global auroral images: Data-driven dayglow modeling, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 247-257, 2024;

Parsons, S., D.J. Hall, O. Hetherington, T. W. Buggey, T. Arnold, M.W.J. Hubbard, A. Holland, SMILE soft X-ray Imager flight model CCD370 pre-flight device characterisation, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 25-38, 2024;

Read, A., On the apparent line-of-sight alignment of the peak X-ray intensity of the magnetosheath and the tangent to the magnetopause as viewed by SMILE-SXI, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 155-172, 2024;

Samsonov, A., Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, Steven Sembay, Andrew Read, David Sibeck, Lutz Rastaetter, Simulation of the SMILE Soft X-ray Imager response to a southward interplanetary magnetic field turning, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 39-46, 2024;

Sembay, S., A.L. Alme, D. Agnolon, T. Arnold, A. Beardmore, A. Belén Balado Margeli, C. Bicknell, C. Bouldin, G. Branduardi-Raymont, T. Crawford, J. P. Breuer, T. Buggey, G. Butcher, R. Canchal, J. A. Carter, A. Cheney, Y. Collado-Vega, H. Connor, T. Crawford, N. Eaton, C. Feldman, C. Forsyth, T. Frantzen, G. Galgóczi, J. Garcia, G. Y. Genov, C. Gordillo, H-P. Gröbelbauer, M. Guedel, Y. Guo, M. Hailey, D. Hall, R. Hampson, J. Hasiba, O. Hetherington, A. Holland, S-Y. Hsieh, M. W. J. Hubbard, H. Jeszenszky, M. Jones, T. Kennedy, K. Koch-Mehrin, S. Kögl, S. Krucker, K. D. Kuntz, C. Lakin1, G. Laky, O. Lylund, A. Martindale, J. Miguel Mas Hesse, R. Nakamura, K. Oksavik, N. Østgaard, H. Ottacher, R. Ottensamer, C. Pagani, S. Parsons, P. Patel, J. Pearson, G. Peikert, F. S. Porter, T. Pouliantis, B. H. Qureshi, W. Raab, G. Randall, A. M. Read, N. M. M. Roque, M. E. Rostad, C. Runciman, S. Sachdev, A. Samsonov, M. Soman, D. Sibeck, S. Smit, J. Søndergaard, R. Speight, S. Stavland, M. Steller, TianRan Sun, J. Thornhill, W. Thomas, K. Ullaland, B. Walsh, D. Walton, C. Wang, S. Yang, The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission, 2024, 8(1): 5-14.

Walsh, B.M., Kuntz, K.D., Busk, S. et al. The Lunar Environment Heliophysics X-ray Imager (LEXI) Mission. Space Sci. Rev., 220, 37 (2024).

Wang, R.C., JiaQi Wang, DaLin Li, TianRan Sun, XiaoDong Peng, YiHong Guo, Using restored two-dimensional X-ray images to reconstruct the three-dimensional magnetopause, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 133-154, 2024;
Yang, Z.W., iKu Jarvinen, XiaoCheng Guo, TianRan Sun, Dimitra Koutroumpa, George K. Parks, Can Huang, BinBin Tang, QuanMing Lu, Chi Wang, Deformations at Earth’s dayside magnetopause during quasi-radial IMF conditions: Global kinetic simulations and Soft X-ray Imaging, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 59-69, 2024;

Xu, Q., Koutroumpa, D., Modolo, R., Sun, T., Connor, H., Sembay, S., Tkachenko, Y. (2024). Modeling soft X-ray emissions at the dayside magnetopause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129, e2024JA032687.

Zhang, J.J., TianRan Sun, XiZheng Yu, DaLin Li, Hang Li, JiaQi Guo, ZongHua Ding, Tao Chen, Jian Wu, Chi Wang, Analysis of the joint detection capability of the SMILE satellite and EISCAT-3D radar, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 299-306, 2024;

Zhang, Y.J., TianRan Sun, Jennifer. A. Carter, WenHao Liu, Steve Sembay, ShuiNai Zhang, Li Ji, Chi Wang, Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1), 119-132, 2024;

Dai, L., Y. Han, C. Wang, S. Yao, W. Gonzalez, S. Duan, B. Lavraud, Y. Ren, and Z. Guo, Geoeffectiveness of Interplanetary Alfvén Waves. I. Magnetopause Magnetic Reconnection and Directly Driven Substorms, ApJ., 945, 47, 2023;

Ng, J., Walsh, B.M., Chen, L.-J., Omelchenko, U., Soft X-ray imaging of Earth's dayside magnetosheath and cusps using hybrid simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103347.

Petrinec, S.M., Kletzing, C. A., Bounds, S.R., Fuselier, S.A., Trattner, K.J., Sawyer, R.P. (2023). TRICE-2 rocket observations in the low-altitude cusp: Boundaries and comparisons with models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA030952.

Ringuette, R., K.D. Kuntz, D. Koutroumpa, P. Kaaret, D. LaRocca, and J. Richardson, Observations of Magnetospheric Solar Wind Charge Exchange, ApJ., 955, 139, 2023;

Wang, R. C., Li, D., Sun, T., Peng, X., Yang, Z., & Wang, J. Q. (2023). A 3D magnetospheric CT reconstruction method based on 3D GAN and supplementary limited-angle 2D soft X-ray images. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA030424.

Zhang, Y., T. Sun, J.A. Carter, S. Sembay, D.  Koutroumpa, L. Ji, W. Liu, C. Wang, Dynamical Response of Solar Wind Charge Exchange Soft X-Ray Emission in Earth's Magnetosphere to the Solar Wind Proton Flux, ApJ., 948, 69, 2023;

Guo, Y., T. Sun, C. Wang, S. Sembay,  Deriving the magnetopause position from wide field-of-view soft X-ray imager simulation. Sci. China Earth Sci. 65, 1601–1611 (2022).

Jorgensen, A. M., Xu, R., Sun, T., Huang, Y., Li, L., Dai, L., & Wang, C. (2022). A theoretical study of the tomographic reconstruction of magnetosheath X-ray emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA029948.

Jung, J., Connor, H. K., Carter, J.A., Koutroumpa, D., Pagani, C., Kuntz, K.D. (2022). Solar minimum exospheric neutral density near the subsolar magnetopause estimated from the XMM soft X-ray observations on 12 November 2008. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA029676.

Matsumoto, Y., & Miyoshi, Y. (2022). Soft X-ray imaging of magnetopause reconnection outflows under low plasma-β solar wind conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL101037.

Samsonov, A., Carter, J. A., Read, A., Sembay, S., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Sibeck, D., & Escoubet, P. (2022). Finding magnetopause standoff distance using a soft X-ray imager: 1. Magnetospheric masking. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030848.

Samsonov, A., Sembay, S., Read, A., Carter, J. A., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Sibeck, D., & Escoubet, P. (2022). Finding magnetopause standoff distance using a Soft X-ray Imager: 2. Methods to analyze 2-D X-ray images. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030850.

Zhang, Y., T. Sun, C. Wang, L. Ji, J.A. Carter, S. Sembay, D. Koutroumpa, Y.D. Liu, G. Liang, W. Liu, W. Sun, X. Zhao, Solar Wind Charge Exchange Soft X-Ray Emissions in the Magnetosphere during an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Compared to Its Driven Sheath, ApJ. Lett., 932, L1, 2022;

Baraka, S. M., Le Contel, O., Ben-Jaffel, L., and Moore, W. B. (2021). The impact of radial and non-radial IMF on the Earth's magnetopause size, shape, and dawn-dusk asymmetry from global 3D kinetic simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2021JA029528.

Carter, J. A., Samsonov, A. A., Milan, S. E., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Ridley, A. J., Paxton, L. J., et al. (2021). Field-aligned current during an interval of By-dominated interplanetary-field; modeled-to-observed comparisons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2021JA029722.

Connor, H. K.,  Sibeck, D. G.,  Collier, M. R.,  Baliukin, I. I.,  Branduardi‐Raymont, G.,  Brandt, P. C., , N.Y. Buzulukova, Y.M. Collado‐Vega, C.P. Escoubet, M.‐C. Fok, S.‐Y. Hsieh, J. Jung, S. Kameda, K.D. Kuntz, F.S. Porter, S. Sembay, T. Sun, B.M. Walsh, J.H. Zoennchen (2021).  Soft X‐ray and ENA imaging of the Earth's dayside magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,  126, e2020JA028816.

Lei Dai , Chi Wang, and Benoit Lavraud,  (2021). Kinetic Imprints of Ion Acceleration in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection. The Astrophysical Journal919(1), 15.

Huang, Y., L. Dai, C. Wang, R.L. Xu, L. Li, A new inversion method for reconstruction of plasmaspheric He+ density from EUV images, Earth Planet. Phys., 5(2), 218–222, 2021;

Su, B., L.G. Kong, A.B. Zhang, B. Klecker, C.P. Escoubet, D.O. Kataria, L. Dai, Performance and simulated moment uncertainties of an ion spectrometer with asymmetric 2π field of view for ion measurements in space, Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 024501 (2021);

Sun, T.,  Wang, X., &  Wang, C. (2021).  Tangent directions of the cusp boundary derived from the simulated soft X‐ray image. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,  126, e2020JA028314.

Tian, C.‐J.,  Du, H.‐D.,  Yang, P.‐L.,  Zhou, Z.‐M.,  Zhao, X.‐F., &  Zhou, S. (2020).  Automatic auroral boundary determination algorithm with deep feature and dual level set. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,  125, e2020JA027833.

Hudec, R., G. Branduardi-Raymont, S. Sembay, V. Simon, European Space Agency SMILE and Czech participation, Astron. Nachr., 341, 341–347, 2020;

Samsonov, A.A., Bogdanova, Y.V., Branduardi‐Raymont, G., Sibeck, D.G., Toth, G. (2020),  Is the relation between the solar wind dynamic pressure and the magnetopause standoff distance so straightforward?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086474.

Sun, T., C. Wang, H.K. Connor, A.M. Jorgensen, S. Sembay, Deriving the magnetopause position from the soft X‐ray image by using the tangent fitting approach, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125, e2020JA028169, 2020;

Connor, H.K., and J.A. Carter, Exospheric neutral hydrogen density at the nominal 10 RE subsolar point deduced from XMM-Newton X-ray observations, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 124, 1612–1624;

Jorgensen, A.M., T. Sun, C. Wang, L. Dai, S. Sembay, F. Wei, Y. Guo, R. Xu., Boundary Detection in Three Dimensions With Application to the SMILE Mission: the Effect of Photon Noise. J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 124, 4365– 4383, 2019;

Jorgensen, A.M.,  Sun, T.,  Wang, C.,  Dai, L.,  Sembay, S.,  Zheng, J.,  Yu, X. (2019).  Boundary Detection in Three Dimensions With Application to the SMILE Mission: the Effect of Model‐fitting Noise. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,  124, 4341– 4355; .

Samsonov, A., Bogdanova, Y. V., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., & Park, J.-S. (2019). Long-term variations in solar wind parameters, magnetopause location, and geomagnetic activity over the last five solar cycles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 4049– 4063.

Sun, T.R., C. Wang, S. Sembay, R.E. Lopez, P. Escoubet, G. Branduardi‐Raymont, J.H. Zheng, X.Z. Yu, X.C. Guo, L. Dai, Z.Q. Liu, F. Wei, Y.H. Guo (2019), Soft X‐ray imaging of the magnetosheath and cusps under different solar wind conditions: MHD simulations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 124, 2435–2450;

Branduardi-Raymont, G., C. Wang, C.P. Escoubet, M. Adamovic, D. Agnolon, M. Berthomier, J.A. Carter, W. Chen, L. Colangeli, M. Collier, H.K. Connor, L. Dai, A. Dimmock, O. Djazovski, E. Donovan, J.P. Eastwood, G. Enno, F. Giannini, L. Huang, D. Kataria, K. Kuntz, H. Laakso, J. Li, L. Li, T. Lui, J. Loicq, A. Masson, J. Manuel, A. Parmar, T. Piekutowski, A.M. Read, A. Samsonov, S. Sembay, W. Raab, C. Ruciman, J.K. Shi, D.G. Sibeck, E.L. Spanswick, T. Sun, K. Symonds, J. Tong, B. Walsh, F. Wei, D. Zhao, J. Zheng, X. Zhu, Z. Zhu, SMILE definition study report, European Space Agency, ESA/SCI, 1, 2018;

Collier, M.R., & Connor, H.K. (2018), Magnetopause Surface Reconstruction from Tangent Vector Observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 123, 9022–9034;

Peng, S., Y. Ye, F. Wei, Z. Yang, Y. Guo, T. Sun., Numerical Model Built for the Simulation of the Earth Magnetopause by Lobster-eye-type Soft X-ray Imager Onboard SMILE Satellite, Optics Express, 26, 15138, 2018;

Samsonov, A.A.,  Sibeck, D.G.,  Dmitrieva, N.P.,  Semenov, V.S.,  Slivka, K.Y.,  Šafránkova, J., &  Němeček, Z. (2018).  Magnetosheath propagation time of solar wind directional discontinuities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,  123,  3727– 3741.

Sibeck, D.G., Allen, R., Aryan, H., Bodewits, D., Brandt, P., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Brown, G., Carter, J.A., Collado-Vega, Y.M., Collier, M.R., Connor, H. K., Cravens, T.E., Ezoe, Y., Fok, M.-C., Galeazzi, M., Gutynska, O., Holmström, M., Hsieh, S.-Y., Ishikawa, K., Koutroumpa, D., Kuntz, K.D., Leutenegger, M., Miyoshi, Y., Porter, F. S., Purucker, M. E., Read, A.M., Raeder, J., Robertson, I.P., Samsonov, A.A., Sembay, S., Snowden, S. L., Thomas, N.E., von Steiger, R., Walsh, B.M., Wing, S., Imaging Plasma Density Structures in the Soft X-Rays Generated by Solar Wind Charge Exchange with Neutrals, Space Sci. Rev., 214: 79, 2018,

Soman, M.R., D.J. Hall, A.D. Holland, R. Burgon, T. Buggey, J. Skottfelt, S. Sembay, P. Drumm, J. Thornhill, A. Read, D. Walton, G. Branduardi-Raymont, W. Raab, P. Verhoeve, D. Agnolon, C. Woffinden, The SMILE Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) CCD Design and DevelopmentProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England, 3 - 8 September 2017, Journal of Instrumentation, C01022, 2018

Wang, C., G. Branduardi-Raymont, Progress of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) Mission, Chin. J. Space Sci., 38, 657-661, 2018;

Branduardi-Raymont, G. and C. Wang, A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships: SMILE, Space Research Today, COSPAR Information Bulletin, 200, 32-39, 2017


Branduardi-Raymont, G., C.P. Escoubet, K. Kuntz, T. Lui, A. Read, D. Sibeck, T. Sun, B. Walsh, C. Wang, Link between Solar Wind, Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, 9. ISSI-BJ Magazine, Ed.s A. Yang and M. Falanga, October 2016

Raab, W., G. Branduardi-Raymont, C. Wang, L. Dai, E. Donovan, G. Enno, P. C. Escoubet, D. Kataria, L. Li, D. Lumb, A. M. Read, D. Rebuffat, J. Romstedt, S. Sembay, E. Spanswick, A. Wielders, A. Zhang, J.Zheng, SMILE: A Joint ESA/CAS Mission to Investigate the Interaction Between the Solar Wind and Earth’s Magnetosphere, Proc. SPIE 9905, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 990502 (11 July 2016); doi: 10.1117/12.2231984;

Branduardi-Raymont, G., C. Wang, SMILE Team, SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer): X-ray Imaging of the Sun-Earth Connection, Proceedings of the conference XMM-Newton: The Next Decade, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 May 2016.


Sun, T. R., C. Wang, F. Wei, and S. Sembay (2015), X-ray imaging of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, 266–275, doi:10.1002/2014JA020497.


Branduardi-Raymont, G., S.F. Sembay, J.P. Eastwood et al. (2012), AXIOM: Advanced X-ray imaging of the magnetosphere, Exp. Astron., 33, 403-443.