Solar Orbiter Community building Webinars 


Solar Orbiter community building webinars are aimed at the solar and space physics communities as a whole. They aim is to provide recent news and insights on the Solar Orbiter operations and science. They will be held every 1st Wednesday of every month, at 2:00pm European Central Time. 

Information on Webinar connection will be provided closer to the meetings


Future meetings


2nd October 2024 (1h): Introduction to the Solar Orbiter mission: the science, the data, and the SunPy ecosystem. With Daniel Müller (ESA/ESTEC) and Laura Hayes (ESA/ESTEC)

6th November 2024 (30'): Small-scale heating and relation to the solar wind: a review of past observations of (polar) coronal holes. With Pradeep Chitta (MPS)

4th December 2024 (30'): Solar Wind connectivity with Solar Orbiter. With Stephanie Yardley (Northumbria University)

8th January 2025 (30'): Synergies between in situ and remote-sensing science with Solar Orbiter. With Daniel Verscharen (MSSL/UCL) 


Past meetings



Other meetings


Solar and Heliospheric Physics Meetings (Link to SOHO meetings page)


Future Solar Orbiter-related meetings and Workshops

  • 10-11 July 2024: SOWG-25 at ESAC (Long Term Planning of LTP17 Q4-2024)

  • 16-18 September 2024: SWT-39 (16-17 Sep) and Executive SWT (18 Sep) – both online.

  • Week of 7-11 April 2025 (exact dates TBD): SWT-40 at ROB, Belgium (in-person meeting).

  • SWT-41 Meeting: online, September 2025 (dates TBD)

  • Workshop #10 in Berlin (POC: Sami Solanki): 15-19 March 2026, SWT-42 Meeting on 20 March 2026

  •  Workshop #11 in France (POC: Milan Maksimovic) Dates TBD

PAST Solar Orbiter Workshops