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Abstract Submission DEADLINE EXTENDED (2 FEB 2022)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 14 February 2023.
Abstract Submission Open (5 DEC 2022)
Abstract submission is now open for the Fourth Workshop on Thermal Models for Planetary Science. Authors are kindly invited to submit their contributions via the workshop website:
Abstract submission is scheduled to close on 14 February 2023, and registration for the workshop will open when the workshop programme is published on 27 February.
Themes identified for abstract submission include:
- Thermal modelling of rocky planets, asteroids and small bodies, the Moon and moons of the solar system, and gas giants;
- Technical aspects of thermal modelling such as: models of thermal evolution and thermal conductivity, disk-integrated vs disk-resolved approaches, advances in theory and computational techniques, and;
- Research to investigate thermal processes and validate thermal models, via laboratory work and observations from observatories or spacecraft.
Workshop Announcement (11 nov 2022)
We are please to announce that the 4th Workshop on Thermal Models for Planetary Science will take place 18-20th April 2023. TherMoPS IV will be held at the European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Remote participation will be possible for those unable to attend in-person.
Thermal modelling in planetary sciences has experienced an extraordinary growth in recent years in response to a profusion of new data. In addition to orbital and ground-based observations of planets and moons, new thermal infrared data has become available for hundreds of thousands of asteroids, comets, transneptunian objects as well as dust in our solar system. Moreover, space missions have returned detailed information about the thermal emission and properties of solar system bodies from in situ exploration, including from the surface of Mars. Furthermore, infrared radiation is also commonly used to study exoplanets and protoplanetary discs around other stars. New observations of temperature-driven phenomena on diverse solar system bodies motivates the development of more sophisticated thermal models. Instrumentation advances now allow infrared interferometric observations as well as high-accuracy spectro-photometry, posing their own set of thermal-modelling challenges. This meeting, the fourth in the Thermal Models for Planetary Science workshops follows and builds on the first three in: Beaulieu sur Mer, France, Sep 15-17, 2008 (https://www-n.oca.eu/thermops/), Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, Jun 3-5, 2015 (http://research.iac.es/congreso/thermopsii/index.html) and Budapest, Hungary, Feb 20-22, 2019 (http://thermops2019.hu/).
Meeting Objectives
- Gather experts to discuss the state of the art in thermal modelling for planetary science, including numerical modelling and laboratory work.
- Showcase new data and results from recent missions (e.g., Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx).
- Highlight new and upcoming missions with thermal IR detectors that will contribute to the field (e.g. JWST, Hera, Lucy, Comet Interceptor, BepiColombo, JUICE, EnVision, PROSPECT).
- Provide to the international science community a forum for discussion with leading experts and build connections between research activities and data acquired by space missions.
- Bridge and build interest between missions and domains (for example, disk-integrated and disk-resolved modelling), particularly between exoplanetary and solar system communities.
Key Dates
11 November 2022 |
1st Announcement: Save the date. |
5 December 2022 |
2nd Announcement: Abstract submission open. |
14 February 2023 |
Abstract submission deadline. |
27 February 2023 |
3rd Announcement: Program published. Registration open. |
27 March 2023 |
Early Career Researcher Travel Grant submission deadline. |
7 April 2023 |
Registration deadline. |
18 - 20 April 2023 |
TherMoPS IV |
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