Muenster Splinter 2023 - BepiColombo YSSG
@Muenster / Hybrid
14:30-17:30 (CET) / 21:30-00:30 (JST) :: 21 September 2023
09:30-13:00 (CET) / 16:30-20:00 (JST) :: 22 September 2023
*Room S9*
# DAY 1
14:30 CET/21:30 JST Welcome and announcements [Go]
14:45 CET/21:45 JST Magnetosphere hands-on Workshop [Kristin, Daniel] (Registration is closed!)
Instaling and final checks
15:45 CET/22:45 JST Coffee break
16:00 CET /23:00 JST cont. Magnetosphere hands-on Workshop [Kristin, Daniel]
17:30 CET /00:30 JST end of Workshop and Day 1
19:30 CET YSSG Dinner at LuMiná Restaurant, Hafenplatz 6, 48155 Muenster. (Registration is closed!)
# DAY 2
09:30 CET / 16:30 JST Welcome and announcements [Go]
09:35 CET/16:35 JST Subgroups Reporting (20 min)
09:55 CET / 16:55 JST Paper review presentations
9h55 CET / 16:55 JST Review on "The Chaotic Terrains of Mercury Reveal a History of Planetary Volatile Retention and Loss in the Innermost Solar System", Rodriguez et al. (2020). ( [Jack Wright] :: virtual presentation
10h15 CET / 17:15 JST Review on "Detection of Large Exospheric Enhancements at Mercury due to Meteoroid Impacts", Cassidy et al. (2021) [Go Murakami]
10h35 CET / 17:35 JST Review on TBC
11:00 CET / 18:00 JST Coffee break
11:30 CET / 18:30 JST Own work presentations
11:30 CET / 18:30 JST "Relationship between elemental compositions and spectral/geological units derived by mixing model using MESSENGER data" [Kaori Hirata]
11:50 CET / 18:50 JST "Comparison of exospheric Mg distributions observed by BepiColombo/PHEBUS during the 2nd and 3rd Mercury swing-bys" [Yudai Suzuki]
12:10 CET / 19:10 JST "Solar wind entry into Mercury's magnetosphere: Simulation results for BepiColombo swingby #2" [Daniel Teubenbacher]
12:30 CET / 19:30 JST 1min talk on recently published paper (10 min)
12:40 CET / 19:40 JST Group photo
13:00 CET / 20:00 JST End of Day 2 and meeting.