
9:30-12:45 on 11 March 2019


09:30 Introduction [10 min each]

  • Go Murakami: Introduction and focus of YSWG activity
  • Joana Oliveira: Introduction of the YSWG Workshop in Coimbra, Portugal

09:50 Paper review (PR) and recent studies  [15 min each]

  • Léa Griton: PR: Numerical simulations of the Hermean magnetosphere at the time of the MESSENGER flybys
  • Sae Aizawa: PR: Plasma distribution in the Hermean magnetosphere
  • Kunihiro Keika: PR: Reconnection and ion properties in Mercury's magnetosphere.
  • Satoshi Kurita: Possibility of presence of whistler mode chorus at Mercury .
  • Yudai Suzuki: PR: Seasonal variations in Mercury's ayside calcium exosphere (Burger et al. 2014)

11:05 Coffee break (20 min)

11:25 Subgroups update

  • Sae Aizawa: Introduction of SHOTS activity

11:40 Own recent studies

  • 11:40 Manabu Yagi: Prediction of global structure and cusp region of ercury's magnetosphere by solar wind condition
  • 11:55 Diana Gamborino: Mercury's silicate atmosphere
  • 12:10 Yusuke Nakauchi: Space weathering of airless bodies due to solar wind interaction

12:25 Open discussion

  • Next steps
  • Mendeley
  • Other

12:45 Lunch break