BC YSSG - BepiColombo YSSG
Welcome to the BepiColombo Young Scientists Study Group (BC YSSG)!
With BepiColombo en route to Mercury, it is time to focus on Mercury related science. If you are eager to discuss recent scientific questions, get an overview on what is known so far and, what is BepiColombo set up to find out, join us!
BepiColombo spacecraft just has completed its first flyby to Mercury! More 5 flybys are expected, before the spacecraft insertion. We are counting down! 6, 5, ...
What BepiColombo YSSG is all about? This group is a network of scientists with different backgrounds to study Mercury in preparation for the arrival of ESA-JAXA BepiColombo spacecraft to Mercury.
What are our main goals? Stimulate scientific discussion, refine our scientific goals, encourage team work among researchers with different backgrounds, and consolidate the future BepiColombo scientific network.
How is the YSSG organized? The YSSG is composed of scientists with different backgrounds from different BepiColombo Science Working Team (SWT) groups. In addition, concrete topics may be discussed in detail in certain sub-groups that may organize their meetings with a different periodicity.
How to become a member? Go to Registration and register!
Studies on Hermean magnetosphere Oriented Theories and Simulations
The SHOTS project aims at comparing the different global simulations of Mercury's magnetosphere and its interaction with the solar wind. In 2018 and 2019, the efforts have been dedicated to the organisation of the project, including commun visualisation of the data, and to a first scientific comparison of two MHD codes, two hybrid codes, a PIC code and, a local code.
Subgroup Chairs: Sae Aizawa & Léa Griton & Jérémy Dargent
More about SHOTS subgroup here.
Surface and Environment Interaction Studies
The studies of this subgroup mainly centre on changes that are a product of an interplay either of planetary surface and particles, and/or solar wind, larger impactors and their effect on the planetary crust and cratering mechanisms, and processing of magnetic field data with regard to core and crustal field maps. The aim of this sub-group is to bring the potential of an interdisciplinary approach to maximize the surface science of the BepiColombo mission.
Subgroup Chairs: Océane Barraud & Aurélie Van den Neucker & Indhu Varatharajan
More about SEIS subgroup here.
Cruise Science
The Cruise Science subgroup is part of the Young Scientist Study Group (YSSG) and has a similar approach, where motivated scientists voluntarily review papers and/or present their science work, but focusing only on the cruise phase of BepiColombo. This includes the coordinated measurements from Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe and any other heliospheric missions. The topics that will be addressed are:
1) Solar wind properties and turbulence;
2) Interplanetary events (CMEs, CIRs, Planetary Space Weather, shocks...);
3) Venus science (atmosphere/ magnetosphere, solar wind-induced magnetosphere coupling).
Subgroup Chairs: Lina Hadid & Beatriz Sanchez-Cano
Note: to access the tools you need to be logged in to the YSSG cosmos website!