Dates and Location

The Comet Interceptor SWT Meeting #6 will take place on 31st March -1st  April 2025 in the Erasmus building at ESTEC.



Registration is here.  Deadline is the 14th of March.



Information about meeting logistics can be found on the top as a subitem to this SWT #6 page.



High level schedule:

31st March: 13:15 Working Group meetings (summary session for TIWG and CEWG,  virtual WG meetings will take place 27/28 March)

                       SOWG meeting TBD

                   14:30 Open SWT meeting, part 1

                   18:00 Adjourn

1st April:      09:00 Meeting of SWT Executive

                     10:00 Open SWT meeting, part 2

                     17:00 Adjourn

The detailed programme will be provided closer to the event.



The SCI Conference Privacy Notice can be found here.