Venue and Transport - IHDEA
We are planning to hold a hybrid conference with a face-to-face meeting on site, and remote connection via Teams. Technical details about the Teams connections will be provided before the beginning of the conference.
We expect to have a conference fee to be paid online, before the start of the conference. There will be one flat rate for all participants for a in-person participation, free for virtual participants.
The meeting will take place at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villanueva de la Cañada near Madrid. More about ESAC can be found on:
Details on how to get to ESAC can be found on:
Please note that the public transport to ESAC is not very convenient. For that reason, we will provide a shuttle service between Madrid and ESAC as detailed below.
A bus will shuttle the attendees between Madrid city and ESAC. Bus will depart from Madrid, in front of the EXE Hotel (Moncloa aera): Arcipreste de Hita, n. 10, 28015 Madrid, Spain. Look for an ESA/ESAC sign on the bus (bus company is called 'Hnos. MONTOYA').
Departure from Madrid: 8:15, arrival around 09:00 at ESAC
Departure from ESAC: 18:30, arrival in Madrid around 19:15 in front of the EXE hotel
If you need a taxi from ESAC, please order it using the Taxi Request Form.
The workshop will be held in the D001, D002 rooms of the D Building (see map below).
Lunch will be served in the ESAC canteen or directly in the conference building (TBD), at 13:30.
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