News 2000 - ISO
ISO: News headlines during 2000
- PHT Instrument Page: Report on the PHT Scientific Validation for OLP Version 9.0 V2.0 (19/Dec/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume I: ISO - Mission Overview, Version 1.0 (11/Dec/2000)
- [ESA celebrates the discovery of infrared light] (06/Dec/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume IV: LWS - The Long Wavelength Spectrometer, Version 1.1 (30/Nov/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume III: CAM - The ISO Camera, Version 1.1 (29/Nov/2000)
- Version 9.5 of the ISO Off-Line Processing (OLP) software released (28/Nov/2000)
- The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission: List of Participants (27/Nov/2000)
- Additional PHT Documents: Calculation of PSF Factors and Solid Angles for ISOPHOT (23/Nov/2000)
- The LWS Interactive Analysis software (LIA) version 8.1 (patch) released (20/Nov/2000)
- ISOPHOT Workshop on PHT32 Oversampled Mapping: Second announcement & Participants (17/Nov/2000)
- ISO - PHT - SWS Instrument Pages: SWS vs PHT-S Convolution Tool (08/Nov/2000)
- Additional CAM Documents: ISOCAM Field Distortion Report (07/Nov/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume V: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter, Version 1.1 (01/Nov/2000)
- The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission: Third announcement (31/Oct/2000)
- [Astronomers explore the Internet in search of 'stored-up' discoveries - ESA's ISO Archive celebrates its 1000th user] (25/Oct/2000)
- New Version (v4.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed (20/Oct/2000)
- SWS Instrument Page: Unresolved lines and the AOT1 observing mode (20/Oct/2000)
- Additional PHT Documents: PHT Apertures and Absolute Photometry (11/Oct/2000)
- ISOPHOT Workshop on PHT32 Oversampled Mapping: First announcement (06/Oct/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume II: ISO - The Satellite and its Data, Version 1.0 (04/Oct/2000)
- Version 9.1 of the ISO Off-Line Processing (OLP) software released (03/Oct/2000)
- Additional PHT Documents: Chopped PHT-S spectra of faint sources (28/Sep/2000)
- PHT Instrument Page: ISOPHOT Calibration Accuracies, Version 4.0 (adapted to OLP 9) (27/Sep/2000)
- Additional LWS Documents: Long term performance of doped Ge:Ga photoconductors in the space environment (27/Sep/2000)
- Additional ISO - CAM - LWS - PHT - SWS Documents: ISO Beam Profiles and extended sources flux calibration (12/Sep/2000)
- CAM Instrument Page: CIA Quick Reference Card, Version 4.0 Courtesy of IPAC (07/Sep/2000)
- Additional PHT Documents: Map coadding and simulation techniques with the ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) (07/Sep/2000)
- The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission: Second announcement (29/Aug/2000)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISO-SWS detection of water vapor absorption lines toward Orion IRc2 (11/Aug/2000)
- ISO Satellite & General Instrumentation Page: Generation of ISO-centered observation ephemerides for solar system targets (08/Aug/2000)
- ISO Data Analysis Software: PIA documentation, including LaTeX version updated to version 9.0 (08/Aug/2000)
- PHT Instrument Page: Report on the PHT Scientific Validation for OLP Version 9.0 V1.0 (31/Jul/2000)
- Additional CAM - LWS - PHT - SWS Documents: Transient response of IR detectors used in space astronomy: what we have learned from ISO satellite (31/Jul/2000)
- ISO Performance and Calibration: Catalogues of calibration source observations & models (20/Jul/2000)
- Version 9.0 of the ISO Off-Line Processing (OLP) software released (18/Jul/2000)
- ISO Scientific Publications: Publication Information Submission & Submission Form (12/Jul/2000)
- [ISO detects a new molecule in interstellar space] (11/Jul/2000)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISO-SWS Detection of Interstellar CH3 (11/Jul/2000)
- ISO Data Analysis Software: ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) Software v9.0 released (10/Jul/2000)
- Additional ISO Documents: 3rd Post-Operations Cross-Calibration Status Report (03/Jul/2000)
- [ISO shows what's in the centre of our Galaxy: 100 000 stars seen for the first time] (13/Jun/2000)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISOCAM Image of the Inner Galaxy (13/Jun/2000)
- ISO Satellite & General Instrumentation Page: ISO Data Product Document, Issue 12 (PDF) (08/Jun/2000)
- New Version (v3.2) of the ISO Data Archive installed (31/May/2000)
- [ISO measures temperature variations of the surface of Pluto] (29/May/2000)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISOPHOT detection of Pluto/Charon at 60 and 100 � (29/May/2000)
- Additional ISO Documents: The ISO Absolute Pointing Accuracy: OLP 9 Interim Report (29/May/2000)
- [Intensive observing campaign in Spain to follow up ISO discoveries] (24/May/2000)
- Additional PHT Documents: Processing steps and signal analysis of ISOPHOT polarisation observations at 170 micron (24/May/2000)
- Additional PHT Documents: Processing of ISOPHOT chopped photometry at 25 micron (24/May/2000)
- A bug was found in the recently released ISAP v2.0 (20/May/2000)
- The LWS Interactive Analysis software (LIA) version 8.0 released (08/May/2000)
- The ISO Spectroscopic Analysis Package (ISAP) version 2.0 released (03/May/2000)
- ISO Data Analysis Software: PIA User's Manual updated for version 8.2 (02/May/2000)
- [ISO measures possible planetary system in formation] (27/Apr/2000)
- ISO Science gallery update: Infrared emission towards the Cohen-Schwartz star (27/Apr/2000)
- PHT Instrument Page: Report on the PHT Scientific Validation for OLP Version 8.4 (26/Apr/2000)
- CAM Instrument Page: ISOCAM Interactive Analysis User's Manual, Version 4.0 (11/Apr/2000)
- CIA, the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis system: Release Note on CIA Version 4.0 (11/Apr/2000)
- ISO Data Analysis Software: ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) Software v8.2 released (07/Apr/2000)
- New Version (v3.1) of the ISO Data Archive installed (05/Apr/2000)
- ISO Publications: Acknowledgements and Guidelines: Identifying the ISO observations in a publication (27/Mar/2000)
- [How the search for water in space can help to find and preserve the water on Earth ] (21/Mar/2000)
- ISO Science gallery update: Detection of asteroid Watsonia in the ISOCAM Parallel Mode (15/Mar/2000)
- The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission: First announcement (14/Mar/2000)
- Additional SWS Documents: ISO-SWS grating resolution and instrumental profile as measured by the full resolution modes SWS02 and SWS06 (09/Mar/2000)
- Proceedings of the ISO Workshops, Meetings and Conferences: ESA Special Publications (ESA SP-xxx) (06/Mar/2000)
- Additional ISO Documents: 2nd Post-Operations Cross-Calibration Status Report (21/Feb/2000)
- Visitors Guide to the ISO Data Centre: Astronomical Software Environement at IDC (18/Feb/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume IV: LWS - The Long Wavelength spectrometer, Version 1.0 (18/Feb/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume II: ISO - The Satellite and its Data, Version 0.5 (17/Feb/2000)
- PHT Instrument Page: ISOPHOT Calibration Accuracies, Version 3.0 (adapted to OLP 8) (17/Feb/2000)
- PHT Instrument Page: Release Note for ISOPHOT OLP Version 8.4 (16/Feb/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume VI: SWS - The Short Wavelength Spectrometer, Version 1.0 (16/Feb/2000)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume V: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter, Version 1.0 (15/Feb/2000)
- ISO Documentation: Explanatory Library updated (15/Feb/2000)
- Additional CAM Documents: Innovative Cosmic Ray Rejection in ISOCAM Data (15/Feb/2000)
- Additional CAM Documents: CIA V4.0 - News about Data Analysis with the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis System (15/Feb/2000)
- Extragalactic Results from the Infrared Space Observatory (14/Feb/2000)
- Multimedia Page: ISO's Biggest Find: "Astro-Mineralogy" (Courtesy of ESA Science) (04/Feb/2000)
- [The crystalline revolution: ISO's finding opens a new research field, 'astro-mineralogy' ] (04/Feb/2000)
- ISO beyond the Peaks: Instructions to authors (31/Jan/2000)
- [ISO results in space chemistry to be presented in Madrid on 4 February] (31/Jan/2000)
- ISO beyond the Peaks: Final Announcement & Final Programme (25/Jan/2000)
- [ISO finds the precursors of the complex organic molecules in space] (20/Jan/2000)
- [Complex organic molecules form quickly in old stars] (17/Jan/2000)