ILWS kick-off meeting - ESA Heliophysics
Kickoff Meeting (4-6 September 2002, Washington, D.C.)
- Kickoff Meeting Agenda
- Introduction to ILWS - G. Withbroe
- The Sun-Earth Connection Division Program Overview - R. Fisher
- Living With a Star - Gauging Space Weather - M. Guhathakurta
- Space Weather Services: Meeting LWS Goals - E. Hildner
- Introduction to the Canadian Space Environment Program - W. Liu
- Space Weather Research and Forecasting in CRL, Japan - M. Akioka
- Potential ESA Contributions to ILWS - ESA
- Possible French Contributions to ILWS - J. Prado
- Solar-B and other ILWS-Related Program in Japan - T. Kosugi
- New Space Organization and Space Science in Japan - T. Kosugi
- ILWS Science in Finland - T. Pulkkinen
- From LWS to ILWS and Norwegian Priorities - B. Andersen
- LWS Space Environment Testbeds
- ROCSAT-3 COSMIC System Development - P. Chen
- STEREO Beacon - O. C. St. Cyr
- CAWSES - Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System - S. Basu