Monday 20 March |
Time (CET) |
Introduction |
09:30 |
Welcome and logistics |
09:40 |
ESA Solar System and Exoplanet missions
Gaitee Hussain, ESA
Planetary formation & evolution |
10:00 |
Using planet forming disks to unravel planet formation in the Solar System (Invited)
Inga Kamp, University of Groningen
10:30 |
A Comprehensive and Self-consistent Model of Terrestrial Planet Formation in the Solar System
Nader Haghighipour, University of Hawaii
10:45 |
The mass-dependence of disc lifetimes leads to differences in the planets formed
Susanne Pfalzner, Forschuungszentrum Jülich
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
Measurements of dust in the solar system as messengers for planetary science
Veerle Sterken, Physics Department, IPA
11:45 |
Birth and destruction in protoplanetary disks: dust production by planetesimal collisions
Diego Turrini, INAF
12:00 |
Gas-phase chemistry in the Jovian Circumplanetary Disk
Antoine Schneeberger, LAM
12:15 |
How long was the solar system in a stellar cluster?
Phoebe Stainton, Liverpool John Moores University
12:30 |
Imprints of birth: the effects of stellar encounters in the birth cluster on Super-Earth planetary systems
Christina Schoettler, Imperial College London
12:45 |
Galilean moon formation in a water-depleted environment
Olivier Mousis, LAM
13:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00 |
Unveiling early accretion from the laboratory study of carbonaceous chondrites: clues for ongoing processes
in protoplanetary disks (Invited)
Josep Trigo-Rodríguez, CSIC-IEEC
14:30 |
Using Gaia to Find The Youngest Planets from the Prime Kepler Mission
Luke Bouma, Caltech
Planetary system architecture, dynamics, stability |
14:45 |
The demographics of small exoplanets (Invited)
Rafael Luque, University of Chicago
15:15 |
Dynamical constraints on extrasolar systems
Anne-Sophie Libert, University of Namur
15:30 |
Exoplanetary System Architectures inferred from Kepler Systems of Multiple Transiting Planets
Darin Ragozzine, Brigham Young University
15:45 |
Planetesimal Belts in Wide Binaries: A Kozai Origin for Transiting Exocometary Material?
Steven Young, Cambridge University
16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 |
Investigating Exoplanet Dynamics through Transit Timing Variations
Ing-Guey Jiang, National Tsing Hua University
16:45 |
Confirming and characterizing new mean motion resonances in the Kepler and TESS catalogues
Mariah MacDonald, The College of New Jersey
17:00 |
YSES and WiSPiT: direct imaging surveys for young gas giant exoplanets
Matthew Kenworthy, Leiden Observatory
17:15 |
Hidden Figures: unveiling stellar companions to exoplanets hosts
Mariangela Bonavita, The Open University
17:30 |
The LISA mission: hunting planets in the Milky Way and beyond
Camilla Danielski, IAA - CSIC
17:45 |
End of Day 1 |
18:00 |
Reception |