Latest News - EnVision
EnVision Latest News
- Another milestone for EnVision was reached on 28 January 2025, when ESA awarded a contract to Thales Alenia Space (TAS) to build the Envision spacecraft.
- A new EnVision minisite, for ESA stakeholders and the general public, was lauched by ESA on 28 January 2025.
- Please take note of ESA's upcoming call for Science programme M-, F- and m-F missions.
- Determining Venus gravity and density from EnVision.
- The viscosity of Venus' mantle inferred from its rotational state.
- Venus Climate Database v2.3 available, as well as a database tutorial available here.
- The EnVision Red Book (Definition Study Report) can be found under the "Links and Documentation".
If you would like to receive science or mission related information about EnVision per email, please subscribe to the EnVision mailing list here.
Further stories
- Successful VERITAS mission campaign in Iceland, also joined by EnVision scientists
- EnVision International Venus Science Workshop: 9-11 May 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- Testing of EnVision Sub-surface Radar Sounder (SRS) antenna
- ESA preparing the EnVision mission spacecraft
- Three planetary radar post-doc positions vacancies at the University of Trento RSLab, Italy, linked to on-going JUICE and EnVision activities. Closing date: February 14th, 2025, 12:00 (CET).
- Venus Global Climate modelling postdoc position vacancy at the Open University, UK. Closing date: 12 February 2025.
- Vacancies at ESA can be found here:
Call for ideas
- ESA OSIP platform for submission of proposals for science and/or technology activities.