

ESA Documentation


Recent scientific Journal publications

  • Y. Musseau, et al. (2024): The viscosity of Venus' mantle inferred from its rotational state,
  • T. Kenkmann, et al. (2024): Structural analysis and evolution of large Venusian coronae: Insights from low-angle faults at coronae rims, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 250,
  • M.S Chaffin, et al. (2024): Venus water loss is dominated by HCO+ dicossiative recombinations,
  • D. Sulcanese, et al. (2024): Evidence of ongoing volcanic activity on Venus revealed by Magellan, Nature Astronomy,
  • J. E. Silva et al. (2024): Atmospheric gravity waves in Venus dayside clouds from VIRTIS-M images, Icarus, Volume 415, 116076,
  • A. Martinez et al. (2024): Three-dimensional Venusian ionosphere model, Icarus, Volume 415, 116035,
  • A.D. Tessier et al. (2024): Heng-o Corona, Venus: Dyke swarms record evolution of its underlying mantle plume, Icarus, Volume 417, 116090,
  • L. Sabbeth et al. (2024): Constraints on corona formation from an analysis of topographic rims and fracture annuli, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 633, 118568,
  • C. Wilson et al. (2024): Possible Effects of Volcanic Eruptions on the Modern Atmosphere of Venus, Space Science Reviews, Volume 220, article number 31,
  • R. Ghail, et al. (2024): Volcanic and Tectonic Constraints on the Evolution of Venus, Space Science Reviews, Volume 36,
  • M.V. Patsaeva et al. (2024): Wind Speed Variations at the Venus Cloud Top above Aphrodite Terra According to Long-term UV Observations by VMC/VENUS Express and UVI/AKATSUKI, Solar System Research, Volume 58, pages 148–162,
  • V.V Shuvalov and B.A. Ivanov (2024): Impact Structures on Venus as a Result of Asteroid Destruction in the Atmosphere, Solar System Research, Volume 58, pages 163–175,
  • C.H.G. Braga, et al. (2024): Geological history of the Atira Mons large shield volcano, Beta Regio, Venus. Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 244, 105879,
  • K.M. Ambili et al. (2024): On the role of minor neutrals in determining the characteristic features of the Venus ionosphere at low altitudes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 528 (4), pp 5601-5611,
  • T. Rimbot, et al. (2024): Galactic cosmic rays at 0.7 A.U. with Venus Express housekeeping data. Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 242, 105867,
  • G. Gallardo i Peres, J. Dall, P. J. Mason, R. Ghail, S. Hensley (2024): A Generalized Beta Prime Distribution as the Ratio Probability Density Function for Change Detection Between Two SAR Intensity Images With Different Number of Looks. IEEE Tansactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 62.
  • B.A. Campbell, S. Hensley (2024): Detecting surface change on Venus from Magellan and VERITAS radar images. Icarus, Vol. 407. 115773.
  • J. Helbert, R. Haus, G. Arnold, M. D'Amore, M. Maturilli, T. Säuberlich, H. Hiesinger (2023): The second Venus fly-by of BePiColombo mission reveals stable atmosphere over decades. Nature communicatios, 14, article 8225.
  • H.W. Hübers, Richter, H., Graf, U.U. et al. (2023): Direct detection of atomic oxygen on the dayside and nightside of Venus. Nat Commun. 14, 6812.
  • D. Tomko, and Neslušan, L. (2023): Prediction of the collisions of meteoroids originating in comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner with Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Icarus 405, 119654.
  • James W. Head, Ivanov, M.A., and Basilevsky, A.T. (2023): "Global geological mapping of Venus and the twenty-first-century legacy of William Smith: identification of challenges and opportunities for future research and exploration", in Butler, R. W. H., Torvela, T. and Williams, L. (Eds) Geological Mapping of Our World and Others. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 541, DOI: 10.1144/SP541-2023-30
  • R.R. Herrick and Hensley, S. (2023): "Surface changes observed on a Venusian volcano during the Magellan mission", Science, Vol 379, Issue 6638, pp. 1205-1208, DOI: 10.1126/science.abm773.
  • A. Mahieux et al. (2023): "Update on SO2, detection of OCS, CS, CS2, and SO3, and upper limits of H2S and HOCl in the Venus mesosphere using SOIR on board Venus Express", Icarus, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115556
  • A. Martinez et al. (2023): Exploring the variability of the venusian thermosphere with the IPSL Venus GCM. Icarus Vol 389,

The volcanic peak Idunn Mons in the Imdr Regio area of Venus, observed by VIRTIS onboard ESA's Venus Express. Copyright: ESA/NASA/JPL