Euclid at ESAC


ESAC general information can be found here.

ESAC hosts the Euclid Science Operations Centre

The Euclid Science Operations Centre (SOC) acts as the central node for the mission planning, performs an initial quality check and processing of the data and makes the telemetry available to the remainder of the SGS. The SOC is also responsible for the development and operations of the Euclid Archive. The SOC populates and maintains the archive and delivers the data products to the general scientific community.


The current Euclid team at ESAC


Pierre Ferruit - Mission Manager (ESA)

Guillermo Buenadicha - SOC Operations Coordinator and System Engineer (ESA)

Bruno Altieri - Archive Scientist (ESA)

Xavier Dupac - Survey Scientist / Science Operations Scientist (ESA)

Ralf Kohley - Instrument Operations Scientist (ESA)

Roland Vavrek - Performance Scientist / Deputy Project Scientist (ESA)


Pedro Gómez-Álvarez - Survey-Planning Engineer (Telespazio UK)

Kevin Henares Vilaboa - Software Engineer (Telespazio UK)

Cristina Hernández - Webmaster / Software Engineer (GMV)

Marcos López-Caniego - Scientist / Software Engineer (Rhea System)

Pablo Marcos-Arenal - Science Operations Engineer (HE Space) 

Juanma Martín-Fleitas - Instrument Operations Scientist (Telespazio UK)

Matteo Miluzio - Systems & Software Engineer (Serco NL)

Alcione Mora - Instrument Operations Scientist (Telespazio UK)

Sara Nieto - Archive Software Engineer (Rhea System)

Rosario Pérez Bonilla - Test & Operations Engineer (Telespazio UK)

Pilar de Teodoro - Archive Database Analyst (Rhea System)


See also Euclid Team members at ESTEC.

Last updated July 2024