Cluster-MMS-THEMIS conjunctions 

Please find below a few downloadable text files below listing the time periods from 2015 to 2022 where

- triple conjunctions occur between Cluster 4, MMS 1 and THEMIS A 
- double conjunctions occur between Cluster 4 and MMS 1
- double conjunctions occur between Cluster 4 and THEMIS A 

at key regions on the dayside and nightside 


2015-2022 conjunctions in the Solar Wind: download list
2017-2022 conjunctions +/- 2 RE from the Bow shock : download list
2015-2022 conjunctions in the Magnetosheath: download list
2015-2022 conjunctions +/- 1 RE from the Magnetopause : download list


2015-2022 conjunctions near the Plasmasheet: download list