Trainees 2016 - ESAC Trainees
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2016 Trainees
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Andrea Gokus
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Systematic study of simultaneous XMM-Newton / NuSTAR observations
Tutors: Norbert Schartel and Maria Santos-Lleo
Joint X-ray observations of the satellites XMM-Newton and NuSTAR have become the main tool to study the 6.4 keV iron K alpha line emission in the direct environment of black holes. The soft (XMM-Newton) and hard (NuSTAR) X-ray spectra together allow determining the continuum, absorption, reflection and emission lines, but only if a good cross-calibration between both satellites is present. Since the perfect calibration is not possible to achieve, calibration uncertainties make discrepancies appear in the data analysis and the determination of astrophysical values is impacted. In order to help improving the cross-calibration and get better results in future, I used 19 simultaneous observations from 10 sources in total to study the differences in the X-ray spectra. I found a general trend where the NuSTAR data showed about 15-20% more flux up to 7keV than the model fitted to the corresponding XMM-Newton spectrum predicted.
Laura Fischer
Technical University of Berlin
History and Evolution of volcanic flows on the Moon
Tutors: Sebastian Besse and Dave Heather
The fleet of new missions and instruments sent to the Moon since 2007 offer new capabilities in the examination of the lunar surface. Large volcanic lava flows, also known as "Mare Basalts" consist of individual flows that can be identified in several different ways. Improvements of the latest instruments have shown that the previous mapping of lava flows boundaries has to be updated. New mineralogical boundaries have been identified using the Moon Mineralogy Mapper observations and seem to agree with morphological boundaries identified during the Apollo era for some basin. Additionally, improved resolution of the images suggest new morphological boundaries that needs to be reconcile with the mineralogical boundaries.
For my project I was making use of the latest visible and spectroscopic images to map individual flows based on morphological and mineralogical criteria. The comparison between the morphological and mineralogical boundaries was aimed assess if mineralogical units are made of single or multiple individual flows. The project was focused on the western basalts of Oceanus Procellarum, and was build on previous similar work performed on Mare Imbrium (Thiessen, Besse et al., 2015, PSS, 104, P.244-252). The outcome of the project will be a map of the lava flows boundaries based on scientific analyses of the mineralogy and morphology. These boundaries served as a basis to determine the age of the units based on Crater Counting Statistic.
The project used the latest observations of the lunar surface from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, SMART-1, Kaguya and Chandrayaan-1 observations.
Konstantinos Voulgaridis
Technical University of Berlin
Targeting Mercury Science via the Web
Tutors: Jonathan McAuliffe, Inaki Ortiz de Landaluce and Mauro Casale
The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission will pick up where NASA's MESSENGER mission left off, and expand our understanding of the planet Mercury. ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) will have a comprehensive suite of scientific instruments amongst which will fly some 8 surface imagers. In order to analyse and plan possible imaging observations, a decision-support tool is needed that will provide science and engineering teams all relevant contextual mapping and coverage data (past, present and future) so that they may best identify candidate targets and efficiently plan the necessary observations.
My project was focusing on finding out which out of of many technologies, that exist to provide a broad range of interactive web-based mapping functionalities would best suit the varied needs of the different imaging instruments onboard MPO. In performing such a study I needede to become familiar with the characteristics of planetary remote sensing, imaging and mapping; and understand the details of spacecraft-based science operations planning.
Fernando Rico Villas
Establishing a spectral link between ultra-luminous X-ray sources and magnetars
Tutors: Jari Kajava
Ultra-luminous X-ray sources can be detected in nearby galaxies. They are the brightest known binary stars in the local Universe, being up to billion times more luminous than our Sun. For decades it was thought that their luminosities were powered by accretion onto black holes, but a recent finding of coherent X-ray pulsations from one ultra-luminous X-ray source in the M82 galaxy was a game-changer (Bachetti et al. 2014, Nature, 514, 202). The finding suggests that some of them are instead X-ray pulsars, i.e. they are powered by accretion onto highly magnetised neutron stars, known as "magnetars".
The objectives of my project were to perform an X-ray spectral study of several ultra-luminous X-ray sources using XMM-Newton EPIC data and to make a comparative analysis with Swift/BAT spectral observations of Galactic magnetars.
The aim was to find the common spectral variability patterns, in order to establish an alternative link between these two classes of objects.
Pol Gurri
Barcelona Tech, UPC
The X-Ray burst visualization tool
Tutors: Celia Sanchez, Emilio Salazar and Jari Kajava
Type I X-ray bursts are thermonuclear explosions on the surface of weakly magnetized accreting neutron stars (NS) in a Low-Mass X-ray Binary (LMXB) systems, where the mass donor is typically an evolved star. Observationally, X-ray bursts can show a large variety in profiles, but generally they can be characterized by a fast rise followed by a longer, usually exponential, decay. Bursts radiate X-ray spectra with blackbody shapes, (~3 keV) that cool during the burst decay.
All the available data provided by the JEM-X instrument onboard ESA's INTEGRAL mission have been analyzed, and have been carried out a systematic search of Type-I X-ray bursts serendipitously detected during INTEGRAL observations. In total there have been found ~3000 Type-I X-ray burst candidates, with short and intermediate durations from 50 bursters. Periodic updates to this sample are being done as new data are released. This analysis is at present being extended to the XMM-Newton data.
The goal of my project was to provide a Web interface to display the results from this research, via tables and plots (ideally interactive) which were designed to help to visualize and exploit the scientific return of this analysis.
Harry Holt & James Bowler
University of Cambridge
Characterisation of stochastic variability
Tutors: Guillaume Belanger
Stochastic variability is seen in a large number of X-ray and gamma-ray sources. In such sources, neutrons stars and black holes, it is the result of interactions within those violent and complex, hot and turbulent, physically extended system with several major components that usually include an accretion disk, a very hot plasma near the centre, and a reservoir of gas surrounding the system further out.
Because of the distance and resolution of our telescopes, the high energy emission from these systems reaches our instruments in the form of X-rays and gamma-rays that appear to be coming from a dimensionless point source, and this is why it is variable in this kind of way. The characteristics of the variability can be studied using statistical methods, and eventually modelled to potentially help us identify and categorise these sources according to their physical nature. The crucial element in this problem is understanding the relationship of the characteristics we derive for the emission that is observed to those of the emission at the source. This can only be investigated statistically through careful simulations and analysis of large ensembles of synthetic data sets from which distributions for those key random variables at play can be derived, which was the aim of the project.
Samuel Gongora Garcia
University of Vigo
Producing Legacy Products for the Herschel PACS mission
Tutors: Elena Puga, Katrina Exter and Eva Verdugo
Herschel's PACS instrument observed thousands of sources with its integral-field spectrograph throughout its 4-year mission. The observations vary by type of source (e.g. nearby and distant galaxies, star-forming dust clouds within our own Galaxy and those nearby, nebulae expelled by different types of stars), and by observing method chosen (e.g. a single pointing, a raster of pointings to create a larger field-of-view mosaic, using different calibration schemes to measure and remove the dominant signals in an infrared observatory: telescope and astronomical sky). The products ingested in the Herschel Science Archive for the PACS spectroscopy mission consist of spectral cubes (3-dimensional data products, with axes of RA, Dec, and wavelength: see e.g. from which spectra can be extracted and studied. These spectral cubes will become the enduring legacy of PACS in the Herschel Science Archive, whose current users download up to 20 Terabyte of Herschel mission data per month.
My project was focused on working on the spectral cubes from a subset of the PACS spectroscopy observations, to create from them the final products. Observations that used a certain type of "telescope background" subtraction method require an extra step that is not part of the standard processing, to produce cubes that are completely cleaned of the spectral signature of the telescope. There are also observations which require a unique data processing to calibrate and extract part of their spectral range, and these highly-processed products are inserted in the Herschel Science Archive.
To perform this work I have been provided with the scripts and the tasks necessary to process the data, but I also had to modify these scripts as the project proceeds; inspect my results and decide which are good and which need redoing; and finally write a report to explain to future users what how I processed the data.Cristina Romero Calvo
Technical University of Berlin
Herschel catalogue of observations of comets and other solar system bodies
Tutors: Mark Kidger and Miriam Rengel
During its almost 4 years of cold mission Herschel observed over 160 solar system objects of different types – active comets, inactive comets, asteroids, Trans-Neptunian Objects, Centaurs, planets, satellites, ...) within different observing programmes, some of large scale, others focussed on a single target and epoch. Much of this data has not yet been published, or have only been partially exploited so far. Similarly, the data has not been compiled into a coherent whole that would facilitate its exploitation, or even simply a wider knowledge in the community that the data even exist.
As a whole the Herschel data are a valuable resource for solar system studies, particularly of the cold solar system and of water emission, as it is likely that no comparable mission to Herschel will be launched for at least two decades.
Therefore the aim of my project was to make a catalogue of solar system imaging observations, made mainly with PACS (although also in some cases SPIRE data is available too), combining where possible observations in different filters to produce RGB images (of interest for outreach and for morphological studies), to give a complete and homogeneous catalogue of the available observations and their physical circumstances (date and time, geocentric and heliocentric distance, phase angle, etc). The possibility to streach this project to extend the catalogue to include fluxes measured from the data in the Herschel Archive in a homogeneous publishable format was really interesting idea. This served both as an addition to the Herschel Legacy Archive at ESAC and as a publishable resource available to the scientific community. The catalogue allowed researchers to target their further exploitation of the data in the Herschel Legacy Archive.Natalia Hładczuk
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Spectral line identifications in the Herschel-SPIRE Fourier-Transform Spectrometer (FTS) line features catalogUE
Tutors: Ivan Valtchanov, Pedro Garcia-Lario, Elena Puga, David Teyssier, Katrina Exter
The FTS observes a rather large wavelength range in the far infrared: from 194 to 671 μm. Many sources observed with ESA's Herschel space telescope have spectral lines in this range: Solar System bodies, Galactic regions with cold dust and hidden star formation, and nearby and distant galaxies. There will be an imminent release of a catalogue with spectral features detected in all 1966 SPIRE-FTS observations. This catalogue, however, would not however provide line identifications, which was the topic of my project. To proceed with the line identifications it was substantial to rely on techniques developed for another Herschel spectrometer: HIFI. The methods needed adapting for the different characteristics of the two instruments and in consequence could be extended to PACS: the third spectrometer on-board Herschel. The project was a great opportunity to work with data from space observations of astronomical objects from near and far.
Max Mahlke
University of Aachen
Searching for Solar System Objects (SSO) in the KIDs survey
Tutors: Bruno Altieri, Herve Bouy, Luca Conversi, Mark Kidger, Roland Vavrek
KiDS, the Kilo-Degree Survey, is an on-going large-scale optical imaging survey in the Southern sky, designed to tackle some of the most fundamental questions of cosmology and galaxy formation, using the VLT Survey Telescope (VST), located at the ESO Paranal Observatory by mapping 1500 square degrees of the night sky in four filters (u, g, r, i).
KiDS can also detect thousands SSOs moving between individual exposures on the same field (see Figure 1). The purpose of my project was to use state-of–the-art astrometric techniques developed by Hervé Bouy on the first 50 square degrees of the KiDS data release to detect SSOs. I was testing direct motion measurement as well as more traditional blinking technique or morphometry for the brightest objects.
The new astrometric measurements have been submitted to the Minor Planet Centre. This study was envisaged as a pilot project to test SSO detection with the Euclid survey, and its potential to detect TNOs and other faint SSOs.
Marco Fink
Karl-Remeis Observatory Bamberg
Making Gaia complete in crowded fields
Tutors: Alcione Mora, Uwe Lammers, Asier Abreu, Cian Crowley and Juanma Martin-Fleitas
Gaia is a Cornerstone mission of the European Space Agency launched on December 2013. It will produce a three-dimensional map of the positions, parallaxes and proper motions of more than one billion stars in the Galaxy with unprecedent astrometric precision.
The mission is a great all-sky survey carried out with the largest focal plane ever flown (~ 1GPixel). On-board acquisition and ground station downlink of full sky images is simply impossible. On the other hand, most of the sky is empty at the Gaia detection limit (G ~ 20). Therefore, a reasonable telemetry budget is achieved via advanced real time algorithms selecting windows around objects of interest. This approach is good for most of the sky, but fails in the most crowded regions, such as the omega Cen globular cluster and Baade's window to the Galactic centre.
In order to mitigate this effect, full frame images of selected regions will be obtained using the SIF engineering mode. Even though only noisy Sky Mapper (SM) information can be retrieved, it is not limited by the onboard windowing capabilities. Preliminary estimates point to a gain in depth of up to 2.0 mag.
The main objective of my project was to apply 2D PSF deconvolution techniques to retrieve all the astrometric information stored in SM SIF images. In the beginning I have used general purpose tools such as Daophot or Sextractor, with the goal of doing some exploratory steps toward developing ad-hoc tools using Gaia calibrated PSF models.
During my traineeship I have gained valuable experience in many fields such as: galaxy structure and evolution,globular clusters, crowded field astrometry and photometry or 2D deconvolution and centroiding techniques.
Sam Wilkinson
University of Oxford
Machine Learning study of disk evolution and exoplanet formation
Tutors: Pablo Riviere, Herve Bouy, Ignacio Bustamante and Bruno Merin
Multi-wavelength observations of young stars reveal the formation of large inner holes in some circumstellar disks where new Planetary Systems could be currently forming. These are called transitional disks. The image on the left shows an directly imaged hole in a transitional disk compared to the size of our Solar System.
My work was focused on applying machine-learning techniques (in particular clustering, automated classification or neural networks) to classify a large multi-frequency catalogue with X-rays to mid-infrared unresolved photometry of young stellar objects in the Solar neighborhood. The goal was to identify the relative importance of the possible mechanisms that make these disks evolve and that form the holes in transitional disks, with the overall aim to help identifying the best conditions for the formation of exo-planets.
Emanuel Ramirez
Virtual Reality for the exploration of Space Science Data
Tutors: Juan Gonzalez, Jesus Salgado, Bruno Merin, Isa Barbarisi and Sebastien Besse
The ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) provides worldwide exposure to data generated by ESA astronomy, planetary and heliophysics missions. Most of this data is highly dimensional, and its interpretation and visualisation is one of the challenges faced by present astronomy.
Visualisation in 3D spaces may naturally accommodate those datasets referenced in a 3 dimension physical space (small bodies shape models, catalogues with stellar distances, topographic maps, etc). Virtual Reality (VR) brings an unprecedented level of interaction possible with these visualisations, and emerging VR platforms such as Oculus VR, Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR are making these technologies accessible to the wide public.
The aim of my projects was to develop the prototype VR tools based in cross-platform game engines for the visualisation of different ESA data products, which would be scientifically oriented, but could also bring accessible ways of exploration to education communities and the general public. In particular, my work was contributing to the development of a VR visualization of the new 3D 1 billion star catalogue of the Milky Way produced by the Gaia mission.
Caroliina Laantee
Tallinn University of Technology
Developing an automatic and interactive image gallery concept for the Planetary Science Archive
Tutors: Isa Barbarisi, Santa Martinez, Sebastien Besse and Christophe Arviset
The Planetary Science Archive (PSA) of the European Space Agency is a repository for all scientific and engineering data returned by ESA's Solar System missions. It ensures access to data for decades to the public and the science community. The development of new computer technologies, and the more advanced dataset returned from the space missions requires constant development of the archive interface to ensure that the public and the science community has a reliable and easy access to the numerous observations of our Solar System.
The PSA is currently being redesigned towards a Geographical Information System (GIS) compliant system, changing the standards available through its search engine, and ensuring a friendly interface to meet the needs of both the science community and the general public.
Emily Cannon
University College Dublin
Science opportunity Analysis for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
Tutors: Anik De Groof and Andrew Walsh
The heliosphere is the name given to our local region of space that is under the influence of the Sun and is filled by our star's active and variable magnetic field and extended atmosphere: the interplanetary magnetic field and the solar wind. The solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field interact with every other body in the solar system, magnetised and unmagnetised, resulting in
phenomena like the Aurora Borealis and Australis, atmospheric loss from Mars and space weather effects that can damage space and ground-based technology.
Both the ESA Solar Orbiter and NASA Solar Probe Plus missions will launch in 2018 and study the Sun and heliosphere from closer to the Sun than ever before, with the goal of understanding how the Sun creates and controls the heliosphere, and how the heliosphere varies. Solar Orbiter has a comprehensive payload of remote sensing and in situ instrumentation, while Solar Probe Plus has a less comprehensive payload but will orbit closer to the Sun. Combined, the two missions are much greater than the sum of their parts, but both will operate under significant telemetry constraints, so making the most of their capabilities needs careful planning.
The first part of my project was to produce a dummy dataset by modifying data from existing solar and heliospheric spacecraft, including SOHO, SDO, ACE, Wind and Stereo, so that the data have the same properties and formats as the data that taken by Solar Orbiter. Later on I was using these data to simulate mission planning for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus, and help refine the planning concepts. The second part consisted of analysing the predicted orbits of Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus, and applying knowledge gained during the production of the dummy dataset to identify the best opportunities for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe plus for work together.
Aleksi Walden
Luleå University of Technology
Correlation study of SMOS hardware anomalies and Earth radiation environment
Tutors: Jorge Fauste
The SMOS mission is based on a LEO, sun‐synchronous, polar satellite at a minimum/maximum height of the elliptical orbit of 761.3/788.4 km. MIRAS instrument onboard of SMOS spacecraft, is periodically suffering two main hardware anomalies affecting nominal operations and science data availability. These two hardware anomalies, respectively called CMN Unlocks and Mass Memory latch ups, seem to be very well correlated with Earth radiation environment. The geographical distribution of these events is in most of the cases concentrated around the South Atlantic Anomaly and Polar areas while their temporal distribution seems associated to an increase of space weather activity and Solar Coronal Mass Ejection events. Some of these strong events are also reflected on the Star Tracker onboard the spacecraft. The fact that SMOS has no radiation sensor onboard makes very difficult to correlate those instrument events with changes on radiation environment.
My goal was to analyze and correlate the MIRAS hardware anomalies with the radiation environment data provided by external sources and to establish a possible radiation model for the SMOS orbit. The main objectives of this project were:
- To correlate Star Tracker events with Mass Memory Latch up and CMN unlock events.
- To correlate the frequency of Latch up and CMN unlock events with Space Weather activity and Earth radiation environment.
- To derive an empirical radiation model for SMOS orbit based on radiation data provided by low Earth orbit satellites like POES constellation.
- To correlate variations of Brightness temperature with MIRAS latch up and CMN unlock events.
Roberto Campos Ortiz
University Carlos III Madrid
Scigram: Science Great Moments
Tutors: Vicente Navarro, Fernando Martin, Javier Arenas and Juan Gonzalez
Science archives give access to a wide range of products. An important part of these products is made of images obtained from multiple processing algorithms and sensors. Due to its scientific background, the access interface to these products/images offers many customization options.
General public, discouraged by the apparent complexity of the web interface, are not aware of the impressive images (SCIGRAMs) stored in ESAC archives. This reverts in a low general visibility of science work.
The aim of my project was to develop a web/mobile application that would help finding and sharing SCIGRAMs, which would contribute to improve awareness and accessibility for the gneral public. Application is bulid in sucha a way that it will allow users to: find SCIGRAM images filtering on different domains (sun, galaxies, planets, collages …) or based on generation time, use share SCIGRAM images as virtual postcards with custom messages as well as "like", "+1" SCIGRAM images in order to improve their visibility.
Emilio José Martínez Peréz
University of Granada
CubeSat: Science Mission proposal and communications subsystem demonstrator
Tutors: Julio Gallegos, Xavier Dupac, Fernando Martin Porqueras
A CubeSat is a nano-satellite originally developed at Stanford and CalPoly (San Luis Obispo) Universities and was proposed as a vehicle to support hands-on university-level space education and opportunities for low-cost space access. At its most fundamental level, the CubeSat can be defined as a discrete but scalable, 1 kg 100x100x100 mm cuboid spacecraft unit; this is now commonly referred to as 1U CubeSat (can be combined to produce larger mass/volume, up to 3U, an even 6U are proposed).
This project will continue the work on a cubesat and testbed developed here at ESAC. We have the structure in aluminium and carbon fibre for a 1U and 3U; the AOCS system based on reaction wheels, the on-board computer (ARM processor) and the AOCS testbed. The prime objective of this project is to propose a communication system in accordance with the requirements of the scientific mission proposed (details will be provided during the interview). Inside the worldwide CubeSat community, there are several proposals for the use of CubeSats; you will have access to the CubeSat community through Julio Gallegos (associate professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid); and, possibly the opportunity to integrate your proposed mission in the CubeSat community.
My project was focusing on the work on a cubesat and testbed developed here at ESAC, using the structure in aluminium and carbon fibre for a 1U and 3U; the AOCS system based on reaction wheels, the on-board computer (ARM processor) and the AOCS testbed. The prime objective of this project was to propose a communication system in accordance with the requirements of the scientific mission proposed.
I was involved in designing the communication subsystem demonstrator, according to the scientific and technical requirements of the mission, and in the integrating the prototype into the CubeSat. During my traineeship I was also in charge of the CubeSat subsystem, the ground part (antenna, commanding, reception of telemetry and housekeeping) and the testbed.
Simon Kreuzer
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
A panchromatic HST study of NGC 604, the largest OB association in the Local Group
Tutors: Jesús Maíz Apellániz and Danny Lennon
Contrary to what is read in some textbooks, not all bursts of star formation produce massive young clusters. In some cases, the outcome of those episodes is a looser, unbound in the long term, structure called a Scaled OB Association (SOBA), a large analog (~10^5 solar masses in stars) to the known OB associations that exist in the solar neighbourhood, such as Scorpius-Centaurus and Orion OB1 (which, due to their proximity and their sizes of tens of pc, can span up to tens of degrees in the sky). Interestingly, SOBAs appear to have initial mass functions (IMFs) similar to those of compact clusters, indicating that massive stars can form in environments with very different densities. However, this hypothesis has never been fully tested due to a number of observational difficulties associated to distance, extinction, and background confusion.
The goal of my project was to use the assembled, most complete HST panchromatic dataset ever produced on NGC 604, the prototype (and most massive in the Local Group) SOBA to characterize the young stellar population of NGC 604 and derive its IMF in order to test the competing massive-star formation theories, as well as to study for the first time the UV/optical/IR extinction law in NGC 604.
Jorge Lurueña López
Camilo Jose Cela University Madrid
An expanding Universe - taking the cosmos to the community
Tutors: Emmet Fletcher and Markus Bauer
The ‘art' of science communication has become a critical component of any science-related project or mission. Today's media landscape has become highly multimodal, transitioning from the traditional broadcast/unidirectional media of press, radio and television channels into a complex framework incorporating social media and dynamic interaction with the public. ESA has established a broad structure incorporating many of these "new media" tools, however this can always been improved. The ESAC Communication Office, which has the responsibility as the information focus of ESA's activities in Spain and Portugal is interested to expand on the baseline offered by the Agency and tailor its output to the local domain and relevant public interest. My project allowed me to learn how ESA approaches new media and investigate how this could be improved, taking into account the specific potential offered through being at the centre of Europe's space science efforts.
Vaclav Glos
Masaryk University
Preparation of Science Cases for the CESAR Education project
Tutors: Michel Breitfellner, Manuel Castillo, Javier Ventura
CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research) is a joint educational programme developed by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) and INTA-owned company Isdefe. Its objective is to provide students from European secondary schools and universities with hands-on experience in Optical and Radio Astronomy. In addition, CESAR shall contribute with outreach activities to promote Space Science and to stimulate European students' interest in Science and Technology in general and Astronomy in particular. To help school teachers and university professors to use the CESAR telescope and IT infrastructure efficiently, proper documentation has to be written characterizing existing hard and software and how it is used. Furthermore, science and education cases should be proposed dealing with different topics (e.g. define the solar activity cycle by counting sunspots, how to measure distances in the universe, etc.) at different levels of difficulty, so that they can be used as starting points in schools and/or university classes. These cases should be presented in a simple and attractive way without sacrificing the mathematical and physical formalism necessary.
My project main objectives were development and proper documentation of at least two science and education (sci&edu) cases in collaboration with scientists and teachers.
In particualr I was working on defining the sci&edu case in its historical context and actual importance, explaining which astronomical observations are necessary and why describing the instrumentation necessary to obtain useful data, preparing a guide explaining how to plan and carry out the astronomical observations using the CESAR telescopes and explain how scientists extract the essential information from obtained raw data. I also had an opportunity to participate in the testing of the instrumentation foreseen to carry out this sci&edu case.
Anastasia Vavladeli-Teloniatou
National Technical University of Athens
Integration of Workplace Management Systems (IWMS)
Tutors: Panagiotis Machairas
My project was designed to assist the on-going effort that, would lead to the unification and centralised control of the various automated building systems at ESAC including: Building Management System, Access Control System, Fire Detection/fighting System, Power Plant Monitoring System, Energy Monitoring System.
Jorge Manzano
Human Resources Department Traineeship
Tutors:Javier Delgado and Nienke de Boer
During my traineeship at ESAC I had an opportunity to be part of the Human Resources Department. I was supporting the team carrying out various tasks such as: digitalization process of the personal files of staff working on site, setup of databases in the area of Human Resources, update the newcomers guide, prepare the Human Resources news to be displayed every week in the intranet and in TV screens distributed onsite and training and interviews logistics.
This professional experiance helped me to have an overall understanding on the day-to-day work of the HR Department in the organization operating in the international enviroment, it's structure and procedures.
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