Herschel First Results Symposium (aka ESLAB 2010), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 4-7 May 2010 - Herschel
Herschel First Results Symposium
(aka ESLAB 2010)

ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 4-7 May 2010
Introduction and background
The first major scientific symposium presenting Herschel scientific results took place on 4-7 May 2010. More than 400 astronomers came to ESTEC, Noordwijk, to share in the excitement.
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This meeting was the ESLAB 2010 symposium; ESLAB is an annual meeting organised by the Research and Scientific Support Department (RSSD) which in 2010 was fully dedicated to Herschel and its first science results.
Workshop Generalities
Oral Presentations
The oral presentations given in the meeting are provided here, with the actual speakers listed. A total of 30 plenary session and 69 parallel session talks were given.
Bulk downloading
The oral presentation are also available for bulk downloading as follows:
- Plenary session (30 talks, 230Mb)
- Parallel session A (33 talks, 191Mb)
- Parallel session B (36 talks, 280Mb)
Tuesday 4 May 2010
Plenary session 1 - Session chair: Mark McCaughrean
- Herschel - one year into the mission - Göran Pilbratt
- The Photodetector Array Camera & Spectrometer - Albrecht Poglitsch
- SPIRE In-Flight Performance - Matt Griffin
- HIFI Status and Science Highlights - Frank Helmich
Plenary session 2 - Session chair: Matt Griffin
- First results of Neptune observations with Herschel - Raphael Moreno
- First results from Hi-GAL: the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey - Sergio Molinari
- Cold Cores on Planck and Herschel - Mika Juvela
- Initial Highlights from the Gould Belt Survey - Philippe André
- First Results from the PRISMAS Programme: Herschel brings new light on molecule formation in the ISM - Maryvonne Gerin
Plenary session 3 - Session chair: Albrecht Poglitsch
- Filamentary Structures and Compact Objects in the Aquila and Polaris Clouds observed by Herschel - Alexander Men'shchikov
- HERschel Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE) in the Magellanic Clouds: The Large Magellanic Cloud SDP - Margaret Meixner
- First Results from HOPS: The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey - Will Fischer
- PACS Images of a Kuiper-Like Belt around the Planet-Host Star q1 Eri analyzed with the DUNES Modeling Toolbox - Jean-Charles Augereau
- Herschel Imaging of Galactic Supernova Remnants - New Constraints on the Dust Production of SNe - Olivier Krause
Plenary session 4 - Session chair: Peter Barthel
- The Herschel-ATLAS: Digging up the Dirt on Galaxies - Loretta Dunne
- Dust temperature and Emissivity in the LMC from the Heritage SDP observations - Jean-Philippe Bernard
- First Results from PACS Deep Surveys - Dieter Lutz
- Unveiling Long-Lasting and Violent Growth of Galaxies with Herschel: a puzzling uniformity of distant dusty galaxies - David Elbaz
Wednesday 5 May 2010
Parallel session A1 - Session chair: Frank Helmich
- HIFI Observations of Comet C/2008 Q3 (Garradd) - Paul Hartogh
- The Submillimetre Spectrum of Mars as seen by Herschel-SPIRE - Bruce Swinyard
- TNOs are Cool: a survey of the trans-neptunian region - The Thermal Lightcurve of the Dwarf Planet (136108) Haumea - Emmanuel Lellouch
- Radiation Diagnostics in the Protostar-Disk-Outflow System - Arnold Benz
Parallel session B1 - Session chair: Jackie Fischer
- Dust and Gas in M33 with HerM33ES - Jonathan Braine
- Overview of Early Results from KINGFISH: Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: a Far Infrared Survey with Herschel - Daniela Calzetti
- Sharp Insight into the Colliding Galaxies of the Antennae: Revealing the Metamorphosis of a Whole Galaxy System - Ulrich Klaas
- Low Metallicity Dwarf Galaxies: Bridging the Gap between the Local Universe and Primordial Galaxies - Suzanne Madden
Parallel session A2 - Session chair: Pierre Encrenaz
- Evolution of Interstellar Dust with Herschel - First Results in the Photodissociation Regions (PDRs) of NGC 7023 - Alain Abergel
- First detection of the Methylidyne cation (CH+) fundamental rotational line with the Herschel/SPIRE FTS - Emmanuel Dartois
- The Warm and Dense ISM seen by Herschel - Volker Ossenkopf
- Star Formation triggered by expanding HII regions: Herschel first results - Annie Zavagno
- On the Spatial Distribution of Far-Infrared Sources in the Galactic Plane - Nicolas Billot
Parallel session B2 - Session chair: Peter Barthel
- Far-IR Colours and SED of Nearby Galaxies - Alessandro Boselli
- Far infrared lines mapping of M82 with Herschel-PACS - Alessandra Contursi
- Herschel/SPIRE FTS View of M82 - Pasquale Panuzzo
- HERSCHEL/HIFI Observations of Water in Nuclei of Actively Star Forming Galaxies - Axel Weiss
- The Herschel Space Observatory View of the 70-500 µm Emission from M81 - George Bendo
Parallel session A3 - Session chair: Paul Harvey
- Herschel Observations of Interstellar Hydrogen Fluoride - David Neufeld
- CHESS (Chemical Herschel Surveys of Star forming regions): First Results - Cecilia Ceccarelli
- First Results from the Herschel Survey of the Magellanic Clouds (HERITAGE): Cold Dust Clumps in Dynamically Hot Gas - Sungeun Kim
- Unbiased HIFI Spectral Survey of SgrB2(M) - Peter Schilke
- Herschel Observations of the Lupus Star Forming Region - Stefano Pezzuto
Parallel session B3 - Session chair: Johannes Riedinger
- Environmental Effects on the Dust Properties of Virgo Cluster Galaxies - Luca Cortese
- The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS) - Simone Bianchi
- HeViCS: the far-infrared view of M87 - Maarten Baes
- The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey: VII. Dust in cluster dwarf elliptical galaxies - Ilse De Looze
- The Cooling of Gas in Galaxies: First Results of KINGFISH Spectroscopy - J.D. Smith
- FTS spectroscopy of galaxies: Near and Far - Dimitra Rigopoulou
Parallel session A4 - Session chair: José Cernicharo
- The distribution of H2O and CO in DR21 - Floris Van der Tak
- Mapping Water in Protostellar Outflows: First Results from the WISH-KP - Brunella Nisini
- Starless cores in the Polaris Flare - Derek Ward-Thompson
Parallel session B4 - Session chair: Christoffel Waelkens
- Cold Circumstellar Dust in Evolved Stars in the LMC - Martha Boyer
- MESS - Mass loss of Evolved StarS: Initial Results - Martin Groenewegen
- HIFISTARS: The physical and chemical properties of circumstellar environments around evolved stars - Valentin Bujarrabal
Thursday 6 May 2010
Parallel session A5 - Session chair: Glenn White
- The evolution of massive YSOs in two Hi-GAL fields - Davide Elia
- Initial Results from the Herschel Oxygen Project (HOP) - Tom Bell
- The Herschel Prestellar Core Population in the Aquila Rift Complex - Initial results from the Gould Belt survey - Vera Könyves
- SPIRE Spectroscopy of the Prototypical Orion Bar Photodissociation Region - Emilie Habart
Parallel session B5 - Session chair: George Helou
- The Herschel-ATLAS: Source Counts and Clustering - Steve Maddox
- The Herschel Reference Survey - Stephen Eales
- Herschel-ATLAS and the AGN population - Matt Jarvis
- PACS photometry of two z > 4 QSO - Christian Leipski
Parallel session A6 - Session chair: Ted Bergin
- The Herschel first look at protostars - Sylvain Bontemps
- Structure of the Polaris flare revealed by SPIRE - Marc-Antoine Miville-Deschênes
- Early Results from the Spectral Line Survey of NGC 6334I - Dariusz Lis
Parallel session B6 - Session chair: Paola Andreani
- HerMES - The Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: Active Galactic Nuclei and the Growth of Galaxy Bulges - Mathew Page
- LoCuSS: A Legacy Survey of Galaxy Clusters at z=0.2 - Graham Smith
- The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) - Eiichi Egami
- FIR Fine Structure lines at high-redshift: The Promise of PACS Spectroscopy - Aprajita Verma
- Far-Infrared Properties of Submillimeter and Optically Faint Radio Galaxies - Benjamin Magnelli
Parallel session A7 - Session chair: Ewine van Dishoeck
- Probing the Small Dust Particles Properties in the Diffuse Galactic Plane using the Spitzer - Herschel Synergy - Mathieu Compiègne
- Mapping the column density and dust temperature structure of IRDCs with Herschel - Nicolas Peretto
- Herschel characterization of evolved HII regionsin the Hi-GAL SDP field at l=30° - Roberta Paladini
- Cold Disks Around Nearby Stars. First Results - and First Discovery - of the DUNES Herschel Science Demonstration Phase - Carlos Eiroa
- The First Days of DEBRIS: Exciting Results and Unexpected (Good) Surprises - Jane Greaves
Parallel session B7 - Session chair: Miguel Sánchez Portal
- Brightest Cluster Galaxies in Cool Core Clusters - Raymond Oonk
- Herschel PACS Spectroscopic Diagnostics of ULIRG - Conditions and Kinematics in Mrk 231 - Jacqueline Fischer
- Exciting CO in Markarian 231: Black Hole Accretion or Star Formation? - Edo Loenen
- The Herschel-ATLAS: Discovery and Properties of the Brightest 500 µm Galaxies in the Universe - Mattia Negrello
- HerMES - The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: the Nature of Herschel Galaxies (Colours, SEDs, High-z Candidates) - Ismael Pérez-Fournon
Parallel session A8 - Session chair: Tony Marston
- The Vega Debris Disc - A view from Herschel - Bruce Sibthorpe
- Early results from GASPS: Far-Infrared Emission from Gas and Dust around Young Stars - Bill Dent
- Using Dust, Ice and Gas to probe the Large Range of Environments Around Low-Mass Protostars - Tim van Kempen
- The Youngest Protostars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Frank Israel
Parallel session B8 - Session chair: Dave Clements
- PEP: Dissecting the Cosmic IR Background - Stefano Berta
- The high-redshift sub-millimeter galaxy population of Herschel-ATLAS - Asantha Cooray
- Probing the assembly of massive galaxies through the evolution of their Specific Star Formation Rate up to z=2 - Giulia Rodighiero
- Environmental effects on LIRGs an ULIRGs at z ~ 1 - Paola Popesso
Friday 7 May 2010
Plenary session 5 - Session chair: Martin Harwit
- TNOs are Cool: A Survey of the Transneptunian Region - Thomas Müller
- Initial highlights of HOBYS, the Herschel imaging survey of OB Young Stellar objects - Frédérique Motte
- First Results from the Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS) Key Program - Edwin Bergin
Plenary session 6 - Session chair: Bruno Altieri
- Star Formation and the FIR properties of Infrared Dark Clouds in the Hi-GAL Science Demonstration Field - Mark Thompson
- CHESS, Herschel Chemical Survey of Star Forming Regions : The Solar Type Protostar IRAS16293-2422 - Emmanuel Caux
- SPIRE FTS observations of DR21 and other sources - Glenn White
- Water in Star-Forming Regions with Herschel (WISH) - Ewine van Dishoeck
- MESS: Mass loss of Evolved StarS - Early spectroscopic results - Leen Decin
Plenary session 7 - Session chair: Göran Pilbratt
- First Results from the Very Nearby Galaxies Survey - Chris Wilson
- The ISM in Infared Bright Galaxies - First Results from SHINING - Eckhard Sturm
- Herschel Comprehensive (U)LIRG Emission Survey (HerCULES) - Paul van der Werf
- HerMES - The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey - Seb Oliver
Posters presentations
The poster presentations were divided into two sessions in order to accomodate all of them.
Tuesday 4 - Wednesday 5 May 2010
Poster session 1
Bulk download all the Session 1 Posters available (29 posters, 48 Mb)
P1.01A Study of the Distant Activity of Comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen) using Herschel and Ground-Based Radio Telescopes Bockelee-Morvan, D.; et al. P1.02Highlights from DIGIT (Dust, Ice, and Gas in Time): Herschel-PACS Full Spectral Scans of Young Stars Green, Joel; et al. P1.03CH+ and 13CH+ absorption lines in the direction of massive star forming regions Falgarone, E.; et al. P1.04 Dust Temperature as a Tracer of the Interstellar Radiation Field Intensity in the Higal SDP Fields Bernard, J.-Ph.; et al. P1.05 Herschel/HIFI Observations of the Methylidyne Ion CH+ in DR21 Gerin, M.; et al. P1.06 Herschel Observations of the W43 "mini-starburst" Bally, J.; et al. P1.07EPoS - The Search for the Earliest Stages of Massive Star Formation Henning, Th.; et al. P1.08The CHESS Key Programme: Spectral survey of pre-stellar cores Bacmann, A.; et al. P1.09The IR-Radio Correlation in High-Mass Young Stellar Objects Cesaroni, R.; et al. P1.10 PRISMAS, PRobing InterStellar Molecules with Absorption line Studies: Water Abundance in Cold, Dense ISM Goldsmith, P.; et al. P1.11 The CHESS Spectral Survey of Star Forming Region: Peering into the protostellar shock L1157-B1. I Shock Chemical Complexity Codella, C.; et al. P1.12Hi-GAL: Mass and Luminosity Functions of the Cores Olmi, L.; et al. P1.13Galactic Observations of Terahertz C+ (GOT C+): Inner Galaxy Survey First Results Langer, W.D.; et al. P1.14 Quantifying the Contributions of Line Emission to SPIRE Photometric Fluxes, and their Impact on Quantities derived from Submillimetre-Wave Dust Spectral Energy Distributions Isaak, K.G. ; et al. P1.15The CHESS Spectral Survey of Star Forming Regions: Peering into the Protostellar Shock L1157-B1. II. Shock Dynamics Lefloch, B.; et al. P1.16Photo-induced chemistry at the surface of PDRs: new insights with Herschel observations of NGC 7023 Pilleri, P. ; et al. P1.17The Phase Distribution Across the S140 PDR: New Insights from HIFI [CII] Observations Dedes, C. ; et al. P1.18G29.96-0.02: Fitting the full SED Kirk, J.M. ; et al. P1.19The search for PAH bands with Herschel Joblin, C. ; et al. P1.20 PRISMAS-GT-KP, Far-IR Spectroscopy of the Galactic Center with Herschel/PACS Goicoechea, J.R. ; et al. P1.21 Hot Core Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectra : Simulations with CASSIS and first Comparison with IRAM and Herschel Spectra De Luca, M. ; et al. P1.22 FIR Studies of Interstellar Radiative Shocks: what can we learn from the IC 443 Supernova Remnant? Bloemen, J.B.G.M. ; et al. P1.23 Power Spectra Analysis of Herschel Maps: Comparison of the Fluctuation Power of the Diffuse Dust Emission with Atomic Hydrogen Emission Joncas, G. ; et al. P1.24 Linking Low- to High-Mass Star Formation in the Rosette Molecular Cloud Di Francesco, J. ; et al. P1.25Protostellar Clusters in the Rosette Molecular Cloud Hennemann, M. ; et al. P1.26 Exploring the Nature of Prestellar Molecular Cores: Models of Structure and Collapse confront Observations Attard, M. ; et al. P1.27 (will be presented in Poster Session 2, beside P2.23) Continuum and Line Modeling of Disks around Young Stars: Combined Gas and Dust Diagnostics Kamp, I. ; et al. P1.28PACS NOBISCUM: the Cool Image of the Kuiper Belt Analogue q1 Eri Liseau, R. ; et al. P1.29 Searching for Cool Water in Protoplanetary Disks Hogerheijde, M. ; et al. P1.30 Water in Low-Mass Protostars: disentangling Energetic Input Kristensen, L.E. ; et al. P1.31Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging of CW Leo Ladjal, D. ; et al. P1.32HIFI p(ion)eers inside the winds of IK Tau and VY CMa De Beck, E. ; et al. P1.33The detached dust shells of AQ And, U Ant and TT Cyg Kerschbaum, F. ; et al. P1.34 Hydrides in IRC+10216. Detection of HCl with PACS and SPIRE Cernicharo, J. ; et al. P1.35The Herschel-ATLAS: the dust energy balance in the edge-on spiral galaxy UGC 4754 Baes, M. ; et al. P1.36 Quantifying the Extended Infrared Emission of LIRGs Diaz-Santos, T. ; et al. P1.37The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS): Dust Grain Lifetime in Early-Type Galaxies Clemens, M.; et al. P1.38 Star forming Dwarf Galaxies in the HeViCS Survey: Dust in Metal-Poor Environments Grossi, M. ; et al. P1.39 Early-Type Galaxies with Herschel Gomez, H. ; et al. P1.40 Unveiling the Submillimetre Properties of the Blue Compact Galaxy II Zw 40 Galliano, F. ; et al. P1.41 The Evolution of the Dust Properties in Barnards Galaxy NGC6822 Galametz, M. ; et al. P1.42 Calibration of PACS 100 micron and 160 micron as Star Formation Rate Estimators Boquien, M. ; et al. P1.43 The Effects of Star Formation on the Low-Metallicity ISM: the Nearby NGC4214 mapped with PACS Spectroscopy Cormier, D. ; et al. P1.44 Starlight and Cool Dust in KINGFISH Galaxies Hunt, L.K. ; et al. P1.45PACS & SPIRE photometer maps of M33: First results of the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES) Kramer, C. ; et al. P1.46 The Herschel-ATLAS: Dust in Groups of Galaxies Dariush, A. ; et al. P1.47 HerMES, the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: FIR Properties of known AGN Hatziminaoglou, E. ; et al. P1.48 Far-IR Spectroscopy of the Heavily-Obscured Galaxy NGC 4418 Hailey-Dunsheath, S. ; et al. P1.49 Deep Galaxy Number Counts: A Fluctuation Analysis of SPIRE Science Demonstration Phase Observations Glenn, J. P1.50Data reduction and analysis of HIFI data within CLASS Maret, S. ; et al. P1.51 Spectral Energy Distributions, Luminosities, & Star-Formation Rates in GOODS-North Galaxies Brisbin, D. ; et al. P1.52 HerMES the Herschel multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: The Herschel View of Star Formation Buat, V. ; et al. P1.53 HerMES, the Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: A Comparison of Mid and Far-Infrared Star Formation Indicators using Herschel and Spitzer IRS Castro-Rodríguez, N. ; et al. P1.54 Lyman-alpha Emitters at z~2 as seen by PACS Bongiovanni, A. ; et al. P1.55 HerMES the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: First Results from a FIR Study of High-Redshift Quasars in the SDP Fields Isaak, K.G. ; et al. P1.56 The Physical Effects Of Galaxy Clustering On The Galaxy Evolution Erkurt, A. ; et al. P1.57Water Vapour in Markarian 231 González-Alfonso, E. ; et al. P1.58 The PEP Survey: Unveiling Counterparts and Redshift Distribution of Bright Submm/mm Galaxies using PACS Imaging Dannerbauer, H. ; et al. P1.59 Estimating the Dust Content and Star Formation Activity of Galaxies in the Herschel Era Da Cunha, E. ; et al. P1.60Mid and Far-infrared emission lines in galaxies: The SHINING contribution to the understanding of general trends Graciá-Carpio, J. ; et al. P1.61 Wide Field Extragalactic Surveys at 100 and 160 ¦Ì from HerMES: Number Counts and Contribution of PACS Sources to the SPIRE Population Aussel, H. ; et al. P1.62 Measurements of the Cosmic Evolution of the Luminosity Function at Submillimetre Wavelengths Eales, S. ; et al. P1.63 HerMES Observation of SMGs Chanial, P. ; et al. P1.64The Herschel-ATLAS: Far-IR Galaxy Counts Clements, D.L. ; et al. P1.65HerMES, the Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey: Candidate High-Redshift Galaxies discovered with SPIRE Dowell, C. ; et al. P1.66PEP: First Herschel Probe of dusty Galaxy Evolution up to z~3 Gruppioni, C. ; et al.
Thursday 5 - Friday 6 May 2010
Poster session 2
Bulk download all the Session 2 Posters available (29 posters, 48 Mb)
P2.01 P2.02[CII] Studies of PDRs Towards Molecular Clouds Pineda, J.L. ; et al. P2.03Distance Determination for the HIGAL Survey Russeil, D. ; et al. P2.04 Triggered Star Formation in Sh2-104 with Herschel: Dust Properties and Young Stellar Population* Rodon, J.A. ; et al. P2.05 Herschel Observations of Shocked Water Vapor in Orion-KL Neufeld, D. ; et al. P2.06CII, HI, and CO Emission in a Sample of Transition Clouds from the GOT C+ Survey Velusamy, T. ; et al. P2.07 How Many HiGAL Sources are there in the Galaxy? Pestalozzi, M.R. ; et al. P2.08 Variations of the Dust Emissivity using Hi-Gal Observations Paradis, D. ; et al. P2.09 Emission Distribution of HERSCHEL PACS and SPIRE Bands in the Interior of HII Regions in M33 Relano Pastor, M. ; et al. P2.10HIGGS: The Herschel Inner Galaxy Gas Survey Martin, C. ; et al. P2.11Galactic Highlights from the Herschel ATLAS Thompson, M.A. ; et al. P2.12Dust Temperature Profiles of Isolated Star-Forming Cores: Herschel Observations of Bok globules CB244 and CB230 Stutz, A. ; et al. P2.13Direct Estimates of Cirrus Noise in Herschel Hi-GAL Images Martin, P.G. ; et al. P2.14The Excitation of Carbonaceous Species in the DR21 PDR Roellig, M.; et al. P2.15The Initial Conditions of High-Mass Star Formation: a radiative transfer model of an IRDC seen in the Hi-GAL Survey Wilcock, L. ; et al. P2.16 Herschel's First Glimpse of Massive Star Formation in NGC 7538 Reid, M. ; et al. P2.17 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of the Pre-stellar core B133 Ward-Thompson, D. ; et al. P2.18 Dust in the Heart of Molecular Clouds Marshall, D.J. ; et al. P2.19 Star Formation in the Rosette Molecular Cloud under the Influence of NGC 2244 Schneider, N. ; et al. P2.20 New Insights on the FIR Excess in the LMC from Herschel Observations Roman-Duval, J. ; et al. P2.21 Gas in the Circumstellar Disc of HD169142: is it enough to Still form Planets? Meeus, G.; et al. P2.22 Herschel/PACS Observations of a Low-Mass T Tauri Star in Eta Chamaeleontis Riaz, B. ; et al. P2.23PACS Observations and Models of the Debris Disk around HD 181327 Lebreton, J. ; et al. Continuum and Line Modeling of Disks around Young Stars: Combined Gas and Dust Diagnostics Kamp, I. ; et al. P2.24Herschel-PACS observation of the 10 Myr old TTauri disk TW Hya Thi, W.-F. ; et al. P2.25The Dust, Ice and Gas in Time (DIGIT) Herschel Key Program First Results: Gas and Dust Spectroscopy of HD 100546 Sturm, B. ; et al. P2.26The chemical composition and location of crystaline forsterite in the disk of HD100546 Mulders, G.D. ; et al. P2.27Probing the Water Chemistry in Young Stellar Objects with Hydroxyl Wampfler, S.F. ; et al. P2.28 Herschel Observations of IRC+10216: Probing the Origin of Water Vapor in an Extremely Carbon-Rich AGB Star Neufeld, D. ; et al. P2.29Observations of Nebulae Ejected by Massive Stars with PACS Vamvatira-Nakou, C. ; et al. P2.30 PACS and SPIRE Spectroscopy of the Red Supergiant VY CMa Royer, P. ; et al. P2.31 Cold Dust detected in the Supernova Remnant N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud Van Loon, J.Th. ; et al. P2.32Unraveling the Complexity of the Red Supergiant VY CMa with the SPIRE Spectrometer and modelling Matsuura, M. ; et al. P2.33Herschel images of NGC 6720: H2 formation on dust grains Van Hoof, P. ; et al. P2.34Envelopes of carbon-rich stars as seen by HIFI - case of V Cyg Szczerba, R. ; et al. P2.35 SPIRE FTS Spectra of three Carbon-Rich Evolved Objects Wesson, R. ; et al. P2.36 Herschel/HIFI Observations of the Environments of the Most Massive Stars in their End States of Evolution Morris, P. ; et al. P2.37 Modelling the FIR/submm Emission from Spiral Galaxies Tuffs, R.J. ; et al. P2.38 Radiative Transfer Modelling of the UV-Optical-Submm SEDs of Well-Characterised Optically selected Galaxies from the GAMA and Herschel-ATLAS Surveys Popescu, C. ; et al. P2.39 The Far-Infrared Continuum of M33 Xilouris, E. ; et al. P2.40 Dust Properties of the Local Group Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1705 O'Halloran, B. ; et al. P2.41Properties of compact 250 µm emission in M33 (HERM33ES) Verley, S. ; et al. P2.42 Dissecting Far-Infrared Emission from the Dusty Structures of NGC 1097 Sandstrom, K. ; et al. P2.43 Far-Infrared Imaging of M82: Cool Dust in the Starburst and in the Wind Roussel, H. ; et al. P2.44Resolved Dust Analysis in HRS and HeViCS Galaxies Smith, Matthew W.L. ; et al. P2.45A Deep Herschel View of Obscured Star Formation in the Bullet Cluster Rawle, T. ; et al. P2.46 Redshift Estimation of far Infrared Galaxies with Herschel-ATLAS Serra, P. ; et al. P2.47 HerMES the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: Aggregate FIR Properties of 3.6 micron, 24 micron and Radio-Selected Galaxies Vieira, J. ; et al. P2.48 Herschel View of Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3 Magdis, G.E. ; et al. P2.49The Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES): The far-infrared properties of type-2 quasi-stellar objects Stevens, J. ; et al. P2.50 The SEDs of Sub-Millimetre selected Galaxies in the Herschel-ATLAS Survey from the Ultraviolet to the Far-Infrared Smith, D. ; et al. P2.51The Science Demonstration Phase (SDP) Catalogue for the Herschel-ATLAS Survey Rigby, E. ; et al. P2.52 The Cosmic Evolution of Dust Masses in Massive Radiogalaxies Virdee, J.S.V. P2.53 Herschel Lensing Survey: PACS/SPIRE Imaging of Abell S1063 Walth, G. ; et al. P2.54 A Multi-Wavelength Study of Herschel Sources Located Behind the Bullet Cluster (RXCJ0658.5-5556) Rex, M. ; et al. P2.55 PACS/SPIRE Properties of IRAC Selected Star-Bursts at z~2 Magdis, G.E. ; et al. P2.56 HerMES, the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: Star Formation in Powerful Radio and X-ray AGN Seymour, N. ; et al. P2.57 A New Locus of Dusty Star Formation in Abell 1835 with the Herschel LoCuSS Key Programme. Pereira, M. ; et al. P2.58PEP: The star formation rates of 1.5 < z < 2.5 massive galaxies Nordon, R. ; et al. P2.59 HerMES the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: Dust and Star Formation around Distant X-Ray selected AGN. Page, M. ; et al. P2.60 Multi-Wavelength Observations of the Strong Lensing Cluster AC114 Schaerer, D. ; et al. P2.61 Herschel-SPIRE Observations of Lyman Break Galaxies in the HerMes fields: First Results on the FIR Properties of z>1.5 LBGs Rigopoulou, D. ; et al. P2.62The PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP): Star Formation in AGN Hosts in GOODS-N Shao, L. P2.63 The FIR/SMM Local Luminosity Density : The HerMES Local Luminosity Function at 100-500 micron Vaccari, M. ; et al. P2.64 HerMES the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: Characterization of the Herschel Galaxy Populations using Multi-Wavelength Colours Perez-Fournon, I. ; et al. P2.65HERMES: The Submillimeter Spectral Energy Distributions of Herschel/SPIRE-Detected Galaxies Schulz, B. ; et al. P2.66 Tamasis: Tools for Advanced Map-making, Analysis, and Simulations of Sub-mm surveys Sauvage, M. ; et al. P2.67 The SPIRE Confusion Limit Nguyen, T. ; et al. P2.68 In Flight Calibration of the Herschel-SPIRE Instrument Swinyard, B. P2.69HIPE, HIPE, Hooray! Ott, S. P2.70AKARI All-Sky survey point source catalogues Salama, A. ; et al. P2.71SOFIA: follow-up opportunities for Herschel Sandell, G. et.al.
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