FTP Browser - PSA
FTP Browser

Get access to all publicly available PSA data via anonymous SFTP (sftp://anonymous@psaftp.esac.esa.int) or via your web browse (https://psaftp.esac.esa.int). Unlike the other interfaces, it has no search capability but you can quickly browse the content of the archive using the FTP-client application of your choice. If you don't know which data sets you are looking for, we recommend using the PSA Search Interface. Note that it is also possible to script download from a simplified web-site (https://archives.esac.esa.int/psa/ftp/).
BepiColombo | ExoMars 2016 | Giotto | Earth-Based | Huygens | Mars Express
Rosetta | SMART-1 | Venus Express
BepiColombo |
Mercury Planetary Orbiter Data |
Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter Data |
Mercury Transfer Module |
Ancillary Data |
Visit the mission page for more information |
ExoMars 2016 |
ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter Data |
ExoMars 2016 Schiaparelli Data |
Ancillary Data |
Visit the mission page for more information |
Giotto |
Giotto Spacecraft Data |
Visit the mission page for more information |
Giotto is an international mission and data are jointly archived at PSA and NASA's PDS Small Bodies Node. Access to the Giotto holdings at PDS SBN can be found here. |
Earth-Based |
Wirtanen Observations Campaign Data |
Halley-Watch Campaign Data |
Rosetta |
Shape Model and Reference Frame Data |
Rosetta Orbiter Data |
Philae Lander Data |
Ancillary Data |
Visit the mission page for more information |
Rosetta is an international mission and data are jointly archived at PSA and NASA's PDS Small Bodies Node. Access to the Rosetta holdings at PDS SBN can be found here. |
SMART-1 Orbiter Data |
Ancillary Data |
Visit the mission page for more information |
Venus Express |
Venus Express Orbiter Data |
Ancillary Data |
Visit the mission page for more information |
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Data Set Naming
Please be aware that all data sets follow a naming convention which typically indicates the mission, target body, instrument, and data processing level. This allows experienced users to quickly find the data set(s) they are looking for.
A full description of the data set naming convention is provided in the Experiment to Archive Interface Control document, which can be found in the DOCUMENT directory of each data set.
Batch Download
Please contact us first if you wish to use our FTP service for batch downloading or mirror functionality. This will allow us to prepare the servers and avoid any potential difficulties that may arise.