Mercury Transit Live Streaming TV

See the schedule details for that day here.

Ask your questions DURING THE STREAMING in twitter wRITING:

#MT2016CESAR [and your question here]

Summary for 9th may 2016

9:30 UTC - Streaming connection begin

9:30 - 10:20 UTC - Spanish Introduction / Introducción en español

10:20 - 11:00 UTC - English Introduction and observatories presentation

11:12 - 11:14 UTC - Mercury Transit begin

12:00 - 15:00 UTC - English general presentation. ESA space projects presentation (Solar Orbiter, Bepicolombo, etc.)

14:56 - 14:58 UTC - Mercury Transit midpoint

15:00 - 18:15 UTC - Spanish general presentation. ESA space projects presentation (Solar Orbiter, Bepicolombo, etc.)

18:40 - 18:42 UTC - Mercury Transit ends

19:00 UTC - Streaming connection ends

The streaming in your website

Copy this code into your website or blog to show all Monday the transit and several ESA speakers and INTA astronomers:

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="510" src="" width="900"></iframe>