Communicating your Results - XMM-Newton
Communicating your Results
Communicating XMM-Newton Results
Scientists who desire to communicate about their work on XMM-Newton (including outstanding scientific results, academic theses, images and illustrations based on XMM-Newton observations) may find some guidelines on this page.
Press Releases
If you feel that your scientific results would be of interest as an ESA Press Release the first step is contacting the XMM-Newton Project Scientist with a brief description of the potential result and possibly some paper/proceeding reference. This first communication should take place via the XMM-Newton Helpdesk, then the Project Scientist will take care of the following steps.
Please contact us through the Helpdesk at:
sending an e-mail with Subject: "Possible Press Release". The message can be flagged as private. In any case, all provided information will be handled confidentially.
Ph.D./Master Theses
The XMM-Newton team is collecting information about the completion of doctorates and Ph.D. theses that make use of XMM-Newton data.
This information is included in the SOC internal analysis of the scientific impact of the mission.
We would appreciate if you - being a candidate or supervisor of a doctorate - could provide your Ph.D theses detials using the form provided in the following link.
Images for the XMM-Newton Gallery
The XMM-Newton Image Gallery is a collection of astronomical images, spectral and timing products obtained with the XMM-Newton X-ray and optical instruments. Guidance for submitting your own image can be found here. To submit animated illustrations and/or images larger than 5 Mb please contact the XMM-Newton Helpdesk.