First Announcement,     11-Jan-2024     


The X-Ray mysteries of neutron starts and white dwarfs

ESAC, Madrid, Spain

5 - 7 June 2024

Organised by the
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA)


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The X-ray emission from neutron stars and white dwarfs has been a subject of extensive research, unveiling unique insights into the high-energy phenomena occurring within these compact stellar remnants. It offers invaluable insights into compact object formation, stellar evolution, and the interplay between magnetic fields, radiation, and matter in extreme conditions. In this meeting, experts from various disciplines will delve into the latest advancements in understanding the X-ray emission processes, its origin, and the astrophysical implications associated with neutron stars and white dwarfs.

This workshop will explore the diverse X-ray emission mechanisms, ranging from thermal emission due to accretion processes, magnetic fields, and nuclear reactions, to non-thermal emission originating from particle acceleration and magnetic reconnection events. X-ray spectra and timing properties will be discussed in detail, enabling a deeper understanding of the underlying emission mechanisms and the associated astrophysical phenomena. The role of X-ray emission in the context of binary systems will be discussed, investigating the interactions between compact objects and their stellar companions.



  • Radio pulsars and isolated neutron stars
  • Magnetars
  • Magnetic field evolution and neutron star cooling
  • Recycled and transitional pulsars
  • Accretion on compact objects: neutron stars and white dwarfs
  • Thermonuclear explosions: X-ray bursts and novae
  • Ultraluminous X-ray sources
  • Population studies

Invited speakers

Cristina Baglio Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy
Alice Borghese Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy
Ilaria Caiazzo California Institute of Technology, USA
Maria Camisassa Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spainy
Victor Doroshenko Eberhard-Karls Universitat Tubingen, Germany
Vanessa Graber University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Sebastien Guillot IRAP, Universite de Toulouse, France
Craig Heinke University of Alberta, Canada
Natasha Hurley-Walker ICRAR, Curtin University, Australia
Gian Luca Israel Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy
Jordi Jose Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Aris Karastergiou University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Samuel Lander University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Aaron B. Pearlman McGill University, Canada
Ingrid Pelisoli University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Aarran Shaw Butler University, USA

Scientific organising committe

Domitilla de Martino INAF Naples, Italy
Emma de Oña Wilhelmi Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany
Nathalie Degenaar University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tiziana Di Salvo Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Italy
Ileyk El Mellah Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
Margarita Hernanz Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC, IEEC), Spain
Manuel Linares Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Scott M. Ransom National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA
Nanda Rea (chair) Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC, IEEC), Spain
Alicia Rouco Escorial ESAC, Spain
Samar Safi-Harb University of Manitoba, Canada
Simone Scaringi Durham University, United Kingdom
Norbert Schartel (co-chair) ESAC, Spain
Anna Watts University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Natalie Webb IRAP, France

Important dates

Opening of Registration and Abstract Submission Early January 2024
Deadline for Abstract Submission Friday 23rd February 2024
Notification to authors Mid April 2024
Registration Deadline Wednesday 29th May 2024
On-site Registration Wednesday 5th June 2024

Registration and abstracts

The registration is free of charge. It is already open at this link.

Abstract submission for this workshop is open, and it will close on Friday 23rd February 2024.


You can submit your abstract through this form.

In-person Workshop

The Workshop will be held in person at ESAC, Madrid, Spain. Live streaming will also be set up to follow the Workshop remotely. Details will be announced in due time.


Local Organising Committee:



Up-to-date information is always available via the Workshop Web page




Yours sincerely,

XMM-Newton SOC