SAS watchout

Caution when applying the updated RGS-to-pn "Rectification Factors"

A new set of Calibration files


have been issued in December 2019, containing updated RGS-to-pn "Rectification Factors", that now take into account the time dependence.

This correction is intended to bring into agreement models fitted simultaneously to RGS and EPIC-pn spectra by modifying the RGS effective area. It is applied through the switch 'withrectification=yes' in rgsproc or in rgsrmfgen.

These updated factors have been derived using data to which the effective area correction (see XMM-CCF-REL-371) was applied.

Therefore, to ensure a correct result, these new 'Rectification Factors' must be used together with the effective area correction, by setting both 'witheffectiveareacorrection=yes' and 'withrectification=yes' in rgsproc or in rgsrmfgen.