PV 2009 - Conferences Archive
Ensuring Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data 1-3 December 2009
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) |
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Latest News
Final Programme with links to presentations and papers uploaded on 15/12/2009
Objectives and Scope of the PV 2009 Conference
Standards for Archives and Interoperability enabling new added value services
After four very successful events, PV 2002 at CNES in Toulouse, France, PV 2004 at ESA/ESRIN in Frascati, Italy, PV 2005 at DCC in Edinburgh, UK and PV 2007 at DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, the conference series continues to address prospects in the domain of scientific and technical data preservation together with value adding to these data.
The amount of digital data increases, the price for storage capacity decreases, the technology is still rapidly evolving offering new ways of storing, publishing and building added value services on top of data. Temptation is high to believe that dealing with massive amount of data is easy, just because data storage gets every day cheaper and the technology more stable. But data management, data description and data curation remain the challenges for building modern archives while keeping in mind their long-term preservation.
Coupled with flexible and open software architecture, these are the basis to allow inter-operability amongst archives while enabling the development of new added value services and applications on top of existing data, ensuring its higher utilization by end (and new) users.
The main topics of this conference will be:
1. Ensuring long-term data preservation
- State of the art and standardization of data archiving and access techniques
- Architecture and engineering approaches for long-term preservation and data migration
- Architecture of configurable systems in the context of evolving technology
- Data formats and format specification methods
- Metadata modelling for data description
- Data quality and data curation and data validation
- Building useful and user friendly access to the data
2. Adding value to data
- State of the art techniques for adding value to data
- Added value services and applications on top of archives
- Interoperable service architectures and distributed environments
- Integrating user feedback into archives
3. Lessons learnt
- Examples of working systems and the lessons learnt that can be derived from them
- Lessons learnt from archive migration to new technologies
- Implications of new technologies for engineering processes, data storage, operations costs and system performance
- Advantages and difficulties of building interoperables services
- Common or re-usable systems for archives building
4. Future prospects
- Preserving heterogeneity or aiming for homogeneity ?
- Standards to allow archives interoperability ?
- Usage of Web 2.0 in the archives context ?
Important dates
9 March 2009 |
1st Announcement and call for papers |
30 April 2009 |
Deadline for abstracts |
18 May 2009 | Registration opening |
17 July 2009 |
Notification of authors |
18 September 2009 |
Deadline for final papers |
30 October 2009 | Deadline for registration |
3 November 2009 | Deadline for hotel room reservation |
1-3 December 2009 |
PV2009 conference |

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