Athena 2015 - Conferences Archive
Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe:
The first Scientific Conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray Observatory
In addition to the online presentations that will be published below, the following conference related information is available:
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8-10 September 2015 ESA/ESAC Madrid, Spain |
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Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. All abstracts and electronic materials, if available, are also stored in the ADS. Electronic versions can be accessed in pdf format by clicking on the titles below.
Oral Presentations
General Information on Athena:
- The Athena Project in the Context of the Science Programme of ESA, Alvaro Giménez
- The Assessment Phase Activities for ATHENA, David Lumb
- Scientific Activities in the Study Phase, Paul Nandra
- The Athena Optics, Marcos Bavdaz
- The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit, Didier Barret
- Wide Field Imager Instrument for ATHENA, Norbert Meidinger
- US Contributions to Athena, Randall Smith
- The Athena project and the future plan of the X-ray astronomy in Japan, Hironori Matsumoto
- The Athena Background, Luigi Piro
- Athena Mission Performance, Jan-Willem den Herder
- Athena as an Observatory in the late 2020s, Xavier Barcons
Athena Science: The Hot Universe:
- The Hot Universe: from Cosmological Filaments to Clusters, Takaya Ohashi
- The missing baryons and the warm-hot intergalactic medium, Jelle Kaastra
- Evolution of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, Etienne Pointecouteau
- The Astrophysics of Galaxy Groups and Clusters with Athena, Dominique Eckert / Gabriel Pratt
- Detecting Missing Baryons around the Milky Way and External Galaxies, Joel Bregman
- What are we learning about distant Clusters from XXL, Ben Maughan / Paul Giles
Athena Science: The Hot and Energetic Universe; Synergies:
- Studying AGN Feedback in Galaxy Clusters and Groups, Jeremy Sanders
- Evolution of Entropy Profiles in Simulated Clusters, Elena Rasia
- ATHENA Solution for the Cooling Flow Problem in Clusters of Galaxies, Ciro Pinto
- Radio AGN Feedback on Galaxy Scales: What can Athena show us?, Beatriz Mingo
- Prospects for the direct WHIM Detection by ATHENA, Andrzej Soltan
- Accretion and Ejection Power across the Universe, Massimo Cappi
- The Landscape of Large Sky Surveys in the Athena Era (Synergy Talk), William Brandt
- The Formation and Growth of the Earliest Supermassive Black Holes, James Aird
- The Athena Serendipitous Survey, Mike Watson
- A new Cosmological Probe based on X-ray Surveys of Quasars, Guido Risaliti
Athena Science: The Energetic Universe; Synergies:
- Luminous Extragalactic Transients, Paul O'Brien
- Understanding the build-up of SMBH and Galaxies, Francisco Carrera
- Astrophysics of Feedback in local AGN and star-forming Galaxies, Gabriele Ponti
- The close Environments of Supermassive Black Holes, Giovanni Miniutti
- Mapping the many faces of accretion with Athena, Phil Uttley
- ALMA & mm: Early Galaxies & Star Formation (Synergy Talk), Francoise Combes
- SKA and the Deep Radio Universe (Synergy Talk), Rob Fender
- Fast X-ray Flashes; Signs of a Tidal Disruption of a WD by an IMBH?, Peter Jonker
- Microlensing Constraints on Quasar Emission Regions: Athena's Perspective, Xinyu Dai
- X-IFU Simulations of Starburst Galaxies, Andrew Ptak
- The Violent Universe in the central 300 pc of the Galaxy: an XMM-Newton Survey of the Region, Regis Terrier
Athena Science: Observatory:
- Solar System and Exoplanets, Yuichiro Ezoe
- Observable Effects of Exoplanets on Stars, Scott Wolk
- Star Formation and Evolution as seen with Athena, Gregor Rauw
- The Astrophysics of Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, Anne Decourchelle
- Star Formation & the Star Formation History of the Universe: Exploring the X-ray and the Multi-wavelength Point of Views, Denis Burgarella
- Synergies between X-ray and Gamma-ray Observations of Cosmic Particle Accelerators (Synergy Talk), Yasunobu Uchiyama
- The EM counterparts to GWs from Ground and space-based GW facilities (Synergy Talk), Monica Colpi
- End Points of Stellar Evolution, Enrico Bozzo
- The Interstellar Medium in the Era of Athena, Elisa Costantini
- Concluding Remarks, Paul Nandra
Celebration Speech:
- From Xeus to Athena, Giorgio Palumbo
Poster Presentations
Formation, evolution and physical properties of clusters of galaxies
- The MACSIS project: Scaling relations of massive galaxy clusters, David Barnes
- Magnetorotational instability in galaxy clusters: looking forward to ATHENA, Carlo Nipoti
- Detailed observations of sloshing cold fronts in clusters of galaxies - implications for the physics of the intra-cluster medium, Norbert Werner
- X-ray cluster surveys and the optical spectroscopic follow-up challenge, Yu-Ying Zhang
Cosmic feedback
- Jet-Powered Feedback in the Athena Era, Sebastian Heinz
- Unraveling ICM Physics and AGN Feedback with Very Deep Chandra Observations of the Galaxy Group NGC 5813, Scott Randall
The missing baryons and the WHIM
- Dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group, Manami Sasaki
Supermassive black hole evolution
- Properties of Compton thick AGN and their host galaxies, and prospects for the Athena mission, Giorgio Lanzuisi
- The infrared as a means to identify extremely obscured active galactic nuclei, Hugo Messias
- A trade-off study of the WFI field of view, Fabio Vito
- X-raying the most luminous QSOs in the universe, Luca Zappacosta
- The complex evolution of AGN outflows, Kastytis Zubovas
Accretion physics and strong gravity
- X-ray Reverberation with Athena, Barbara De Marco
- X-ray variability in AGN: LINER vs. Seyfert 2, Lorena Hernandez-Garcia
- Impact of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations on the energy spectrum, Peggy Varniere
- Seeing to the Event Horizon: Probing Accretion Physics with X-ray Reflection, Dan Wilkins
High energy transient phenomena
- Coronae and Winds from Irradiated Disks in X-ray binaries, Nick Higginbottom
- Dynamic energy/power spectra derived from X-ray spectra and light curves, Jan-Uwe Ness
- The EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky, Andrea Tiengo
Solar system and exoplanets
- Search for serendipitous TNO occultation events in X-rays with Athena, Hsiang-Kuang Chang
Star formation and evolution
- Accretion in young stars: measure of the stream velocity of TW Hya from the X-ray Doppler shift, Costanza Argiroffi
- X-ray absorption studies of young stars, Christian Schneider
The physics of compact object
- Athena's Constraints on the Dense Matter Equation of State from Quiescent Low Mass X-ray Binaries, Sebastien Guillot
- X-ray view of pulsar wind nebulae: What we can learn with Athena?, Oleg Kargaltsev
- Isolated neutron stars as seen by Athena, Bettina Posselt
- Prospects for studies of extragalactic X-ray binary populations with Athena, Andreas Zezas
Supernovae, supernova remnants and the ISM
- Evolved Fe-rich supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud with Athena, Patrick Kavanagh
- X-ray emitting ejecta in the Tycho's SNR, new results and future perspectives for Athena X-IFU, Marco Miceli
- Connecting the high- and low-energy Universe: dust processing inside supernova remnants, Elisabetta Micelotta
- Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of SN 1987A from the supernova explosion till the Athena era, Salvatore Orlando
- An Archival X-ray Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant N132D, Paul Plucinsky
Multiwavelength synergies
- On the nature of Fermi gamma-ray sources, Pablo Saz Parkinson
- European user support activities for ASTRO-H, Marc Audard
- Status of X-ray microcalorimeter detector development for the X-IFU, Simon Bandler
- Catching a glimpse of the X-ray emission from galaxies in the early Universe by studying nearby low-metallicity galaxies, Antara Basu-Zych
- Screening and validation of EXTraS data products, Stefania Carpano
- Athena X-IFU event reconstruction software SIRENA, Maria Teresa Ceballos
- Bright Source Capabilities of the Athena WFI and X-IFU Instrument, Thomas Dauser
- Athena mission operations concept with a special view on ToO, Marcus G. F. Kirsch
- The reduction techniques of the particle background for the ATHENA X-IFU instrument at L2 orbit: Geant4 and the CryoAC, Claudio Macculi
- A truly diffuse component of the Galactic Ridge X-ray emission contributed by the radiation of Galactic X-ray binaries, Margherita Molaro
- The X-IFU end-to-end simulations performed for the TES array optimization exercise, Philippe Peille
- AHEAD: Integrated Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain, Luigi Piro
- A Catalogue of X-ray BL Lacs: Statistics applied to the study of X-ray spectra, Alicia Rouco
- End-to-End Simulations for Athena, Jörn Wilms
Scientific Organising Committee
X. Barcons | CSIC Santander, ES |
D. Barret | IRAP Toulouse, FR |
L. Brenneman | SAO Cambridge, US |
M. Cappi | INAF-IASF Bologna, IT |
A. Decourchelle | CEA Saclay, FR |
J.-W. den Herder | SRON Utrecht, NL |
A.C. Fabian | IoA Cambridge, UK |
D. Lumb | ESA/ESTEC, NL |
H. Matsumoto | Nagoya Univ., JP |
K. Nandra | MPE Garching, DE; Co-chair |
T. Ohashi | ISAS/JAXA Kanagawa, JP |
R. Pareschi | INAF-OA Brera, IT |
L. Piro | INAF Roma, IT; Co-chair |
A. Rau | MPE Garching, DE |
T. Reiprich | Univ. Bonn, DE |
R. Smith | SAO Harvard, US |
R. Willingale | Univ. Leicester, UK |
Local Organising Committee (ESA/ESAC)
Matthias Ehle (chair), Bruno Altieri, Silvia de Castro, Jacobo Ebrero, Monica Fernandez, Ranpal Gill, Coral Gonzalez, Aitor Ibarra, Jari Kajava, Erik Kuulkers, Jan-Uwe Ness, Mercedes Ramos-Lerate, Celia Sanchez, Richard Saxton
Group Photo
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