2021 A high-energy view of exoplanets - XMM-Newton
XMM-Newton 2021 Science Workshop
A high-energy view of exoplanets and their environments
ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 24 - 28 May 2021
The workshop was held as a video conference.

The following conference related information is available:
![]() (Symposium Poster) |
Printed Proceedings
The refereed proceedings articles have been published in Volume 343, Issue 4 (May 2022) of the Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN)
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author.
- Exoplanet atmospheres
- Stellar magnetic activity
- Star-planet interactions
- Extreme environments of planets and stars
- New missions
Invited Talks
Hot Takes on Highly Irradiated Exoplanet Atmospheres, Kreidberg, Laura
Atmospheric losses and stellar activity, Johnstone, Colin
X-ray views of our solar system, Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella
Contributed Talks
The high energy environment and atmospheric behavior of K2-25b, Rockcliffe, Keighley
Estimating the atmospheric mass loss of V1298 Tau's four young planets and the role of the host star in planet population studies, Ketzer, Laura
Analysis of X-ray driven atmospheric loss on three-planet system K2-136, Fernandez, Jorge
Photoevaporation vs. Core-Powered Mass-Loss, Rogers, James
X-exoplanets coronal models and planet photoevaporation, Sanz-Forcada, Jorge
Sculpting the sub-Saturn Occurrence Rate via Atmospheric Mass Loss, Hallat, Tim
Effect of Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Flares on the atmosphere of HD189733b and its transit signature, Hazra, Gopal
INCREASE - A model suite to study the INflucence of Cosmic Rays on Exoplanetary AtmoSpherEs, Herbst, Konstantin
The impact of energetic particles on the evolving Earth and young exoplanets, Rodgers-Lee, Donna
Invited Talks
Ultraviolet Observations of Exoplanet Host Stars: Recent Results and the Landscape for the Next Two Decades, France, Kevin
Stellar rotation and its connection to the evolution of hydrogen-dominated atmospheres of exoplanets, Kubyshkina, Daria
Contributed Talks
The Far Ultraviolet M-dwarf Evolution Survey: The Rotational Evolution of High-Energy Emissions, Pineda, J. Sebastian
Probing activity and rotation of M dwarfs with X-rays and photometric timeseries, Maggauda, Enza
Giant white-light flares on fully convective stars occur at high latitudes, Ilin, Ekaterina
Starspot modulation and flares of M dwarfs with habitable zones accessible to TESS, Bogner, Mirjam
The X-ray activity cycles of young solar-like stars, Coffaro, Martina
Bright in the UV but Faint in X-rays: Young Late-type Stars, or Main Sequence Imposters?, Varga, Attila
X-ray emission from ultracool dwarfs, Stelzer, Beate
X-ray Super-Flares From Pre-Main Sequence Stars: Energetics, Frequency, Loop Geometry, Comparison With Solar Flares, Getman, Konstantin
Simultaneous multi-wavelength observation of flares on highly active M dwarf: EV Lacerate, Paudel, Rishi
A deep learning approach to understand solar/stellar XUV activity, Boro Saikia, Sudeshna
An Updated X-ray Activity-Rotation Relation in Low-Mass Stars in Praesepe and the Hyades, Nuñez, Alejandro
XUV Activity Evolution of Main-Sequence Stars and its Relevance for Habitable Planets, Guedel, Manuel
Invited Talks
Measuring the Magnetic Fields of Exoplanets with Star-Planet Interactions, Shkolnik, Evgenya
Coronal Mass Ejections and Exoplanets: A Numerical Perspective, Alvarado-Gomez, Julian
Stellar coronae and the harsh environment where hot Jupiters live, Pillitteri, Ignazio
Contributed Talks
Star-planet Interactions in AU Mic b: High Energy Irradiation vs Strong Stellar Winds, Carolan, Stephen
Tidal star-planet interaction revealed by its impact on stellar activity, Ilic, Nikoleta
Planet-induced radio emission from the coronae of M dwarfs, Kavanagh, Robert
Exoplanet Modulation of Stellar Coronal Radio Emission, Cohen, Ofer
GJ 436b and the stellar wind interaction: simulations constraints using Lyα and Hα transits, Villareal D’Angelo, Carolina
Destination exoplanet: Habitability conditions influenced by stellar winds properties, Chebly, Judy J.
Role of Star Planet Interactions in the Observed X-Ray Activity of HD179949, Acharya, Anshuman
Hot Jupiters accreting onto their parent stars: effects on the stellar activity, Colombo, Salvatore
STAR-MELT: STellar AccRetion-Mapping with Emission Line Tomography, Campbell-White, Justyn
Invited Talks
The end of the worlds, Gaensicke, Boris
Transiting exoplanets as probes of the stellar and planetary environments, Bourrier, Vincent
Star-planet interactions at young ages, Micela, Giusi
Contributed Talks
A new catalog of high-energy irradiation and evaporation of exoplanets, Foster, Grace
EUV irradiation of exoplanet atmospheres occurs on Gyr time-scales, King, George
First Detection of Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs Orbiting X-Ray Binaries via Direct Imaging, Hlavacek-Larrondo, Julie
The Impact of The Supermassive Black Hole and Tidal Disruption Events on Galactic Habitability, Tombesi, Francesco
The Orion Radio All-Stars: High-energy processes in YSOs with the VLA, ALMA and the VLBA, Vargas-Gonzales, Jaime
Galactic cosmic ray propagation through M dwarf astrospheres, Mesquita, Amanda
New missions
Invited Talks
CHEOPS: CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite -following up on known exoplanets, Isaak, Kate
The eROSITA mission and its X-ray all-sky survey, Robrade, Jan
Searching Near and Far: Transits and Transients from the Transiting Exoplanets Survey Satellite (TESS), Ricker, George R.
The PLATO Mission, Rauer, Heike
Exploring Exoplanets and Their Environments with the James Webb Space Telescope, Colón, Knicole
Contributed Talks
An Arcus View of Stellar Space Weather, Brickhouse, Nancy
Time-Resolved Photometry of the High-Energy Radiation of M Dwarfs with the Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat, Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina
The histories of the young sun and the Archean Earth's Atmosphere, Scherf, Manuel
Poster presentations
H. Anilkumar, M.A. Diaz Teodori, J. Drake, S. Estrada-Dorado, M.G. Guarcello, L. Harbach, A. Louca, M. Narang, K. Poppenhaeger, M. Prasow-Émond, L. Rebull, E. Schreyer, M. Schulik, A. Sicilia-Aguilar, A. Volvach, S. Wolk.
Invited Speakers
Julián Alvarado-Gómez | Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany |
Vincent Bourrier | University of Geneva, Switzerland |
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont | University College London, MSSL, Dorking, UK |
Knicole Colon | Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA |
Kevin France | University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
Boris Gaensicke | University of Warwick, UK |
Kate Isaak | European Space Agency, Noordwijk, the Netherlands |
Colin Johnstone | University of Vienna, Austria |
Laura Kreidberg | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany |
Daria Kubyshkina | University of Dublin, Ireland |
Giuseppina Micela | INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Ignazio Pillitteri | INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Heike Rauer | Institute of Planetary Research & FU and TU Berlin, Germany |
George Ricker | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA |
Jan Robrade | Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany |
Evgenya Shkolnik | Arizona State University, Tempe, USA |
Scientific Organising Committee
Costanza Argiroffi | University of Palermo, Italy |
Mario Guarcello | Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Yamila Miguel | University of Leiden, The Netherlands |
James Owen | Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
Katja Poppenhaeger (chair) | Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany |
Luisa Rebull | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA |
Jorge Sanz-Forcada | Centro de Astrobiología, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain |
Norbert Schartel (co-chair) | European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain |
Beate Stelzer | Universität Tübingen, Germany |
Peter Wheatley | University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
Scott Wolk | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonain, Cambridge, USA |
Aline Vidotto | University of Dublin, Ireland |
Philippe Zarka | Observatoire de Paris - CNRS, Meudon, France |
Local Organising Committee
Lucia Ballo, Jacobo Ebrero, Felix Fürst, Cristina Hernandez, Marıa Herranz, Simone Migliari (Chair), Richard Saxton, Celia Sanchez, Norbert Schartel, Ivan Valtchanov
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