Bruno Altieri - Personal Profiles
Bruno Altieri
Main Research Fields
My main research interest is on deep cosmological surveys to address the following astrophysical issues:
- Properties of the most distant galaxy clusters and proto-clusters
- What is the evolutionary sequence which lead star formation to migrate from high-z overdensities to low density regions in the local universe ?
- Resolve the Cosmic Infrared Background and determine the nature of its constituents.
- Determine the cosmic evolution of dusty star formation and of the infrared luminosity function.
- Elucidate the relation of far-infrared emission and environment, and determine clustering properties.
- Determine the contribution of AGN. Determine the infrared emission and energetics of known galaxy populations
- The search of Solar System Objects in deep optical surveys
- Galaxy clusters and proto-clusters
- Gravitational lensing
- Deep cosmological surveys
- Solar System Objects
Ongoing collaborations
- Galaxy cluster group at ESAC
- XXL (XMM-Newton Ultimate Large Scale survey) (PI: M. Pierre, CEA/SAp)
- Co-chair of the Euclid Science Working Group on Solar System Objects together with Benoît Carry
- The star formation history of galaxy clusters (PI: B. Altieri, Herschel Guaranteed Time Key Program)
- PACS Evolution Probe (PEP, PI: D.Lutz, MPE, Herschel Guaranteed Time Key Program)
- The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: far-infrared imaging with Herschel (PI: D. Elbaz, CEA/SAp, Herschel OpenTime Key Program)
- Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS, PI: E. Egami, Univ. of Arizona, Herschel OpenTime Key Program)
- Herschel-CANDELS (PI: M. Dickinson)
Publications on Google Scholar
Project/mission at ESA
Current Research
E-mail contact : Bruno Altieri