Peter Kretschmar - Personal Profiles
Peter Kretschmar
Mission Manager and Astronomer
Main Research Fields
Almost all of my research activities are related to accreting X-ray binaries, mostly accreting X-ray pulsars. Using data from various high-energy missions (XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL, NICER, NuSTAR, RXTE, Suzaku, Swift and others) my colleagues and I study different aspects of these systems: mechanisms of accretion, period evolution, lightcurves, pulse profiles and spectra. One of my specialties is the study of cyclotron resonant scattering features. Other topics of great interest to me include stellar winds and accretion in HMXB and Be X-ray binary outbursts. See also the Be X-ray Binary Monitor project. Other fields of interests are X-ray bursts and their feedback on the accretion disk and gamma-ray binaries.
- Accreting X-ray pulsars
- Stellar winds in HMXB systems
- Be X-ray binaries
- Cyclotron line studies, physics of the accretion column
- Accretion column geometry and pulse profiles
- Accretion mechanisms
- X-ray bursts and feedback to accretion
Ongoing collaborations
- Within Space Science Faculty by alphabetical order of family names: Julia Alfonso-Garzón, Isabel Caballero, Camille Diez, Felix Fürst, Victoria Grinberg, Matteo Guainazzi, Erik Kuulkers, Jesús Maíz Apellániz, Jan-Uwe Ness, Alicia Rouco-Escorial
- Dr. Karl Remeis Sternwarte, Bamberg, Germany
- IFCA, Santander, Spain
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- IAAT, Tübingen, Germany
- X-ray Astronomy Group, Univ. Alicante, Spain
- ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland
- GSFC, Greenbelt, USA
- CASS/UCSD, San Diego, USA
- University of Sharjah, UAE
- IHEP Beijing, China
ISSI Team Meetings
ISSI Working Group
2024 + 2025 | Disentangling Pulse Profiles of (Accreting) Neutron Stars |
Recent highlighted papers
Variable structures in the stellar wind of the HMXB Vela X-1 | L. Abalo, P. Kretschmar, Fürst, F., Diez, C. M., et al. (A&A 692, A188, 2024) | Long-term study of wind structure based on MAXI data. |
XAMI - A Benchmark Dataset for Artefact Detection in XMM-Newton Optical Images |
E.I. Dima, P. Gómez, S. Kruk, P. Kretschmar, Simon Rosen & C.A. Popa (Proceedings of SPAICE2024 conference) | Study of automated detection of artefacts in images of the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor |
The giant outburst of EXO 2030+375. II. Broadband spectroscopy and evolution |
R. Ballhausen, P. Thalhammer, P. Pradhan, (...), P. Kretschmar, et al. (A&A 688, A214, 2024) | Detailed pulse phase resolved spectroscopy across the outbursts. |
The giant outburst of EXO 2030+375 I. Spectral and pulse profile evolution | P. Thalhammer, K. Pottschmidt, R. Ballhausen (...), P. Kretschmar, and J. Wilms (A&A 688, A213, 2024) | Spectra and pulse profiles showed a stable luminosity dependence during the rise and decline. The pulse profiles show a stark transition at a luminosity of ∼2 × 10^36 erg s^−1, indicating a change in the emission pattern. |
An in-depth analysis of the variable cyclotron lines in GX 301-2 | N. Zalot, E. Sokolova-Lapa, J. Stierhof, (...), P. Kretschmar, et al. (A&A 686, A95, 2024) | In depth study of the cyclotron line features at ~35 and ~52 keV. |
VLA monitoring of LS V +44 17 reveals scatter in the X-ray-radio correlation of Be/X-ray binaries | J. van den Eijnden, A. Rouco Escorial, Alfonso-Garzón, J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Kretschmar, P., et al. (MNRAS 527, 4260, 2024) | Third detection of radio emission from a Be/X-ray binary. X-ray and radio luminosity are correlated, but with different relations for different systems. |
Observing the onset of the accretion wake in Vela X-1 | C. M. Diez, V. Grinberg, Fürst, F., (...) & P. Kretschmar (A&A 674, A147, 2023) | First time onset of wake structures in Vela X-1 are traced in a broad energy band (0.5–78 keV). |
Revisiting the archetypical wind accretor Vela X-1 in depth. Case study of a well-known X-ray binary and the limits of our knowledge | P. Kretschmar, I. El Mellah, S. Martínez-Núñez, et al. (A&A 652, A95, 2021) | Compilation and synthesis of the accumulated knowledge about Vela X-1, both observationally and theoretically. |
Full list of publications in ADS
Project/mission at ESA
XMM-Newton, previously also INTEGRAL and Hitomi (ASTRO-H)
Member of IAU, EAS, SSAA and SEA
ORCID 0000-0001-9840-2048