Juanjo Bazán - Personal Profiles
Juanjo Bazán
Astrophysics & Science Operations
Main Research Fields
My main reseach interests are in galaxy formation and evolution. As part of the Starburst collaboration we study star formation histories, massive starbursts and their impact on galaxies and model the physical processes that are involved. I have developed software for modelling galaxy evolution and nucleosynthesis of galactic chemical elements. I also apply Machine Learning techniques to improve classification of galaxy morphologies.
An Open Source and Open Science advocate, I like to contribute code or help to knowledge-sharing, open and collaborative projects like Astropy, NASA TOPS or pyOpenSci for instance. I'm also Associate Editor for Astrophysics at the Journal Of Open Source Software.
- Starbursts
- Data Science
- Galactic Chemical Evolution
- Software Modelization
- Galaxy evolution
- Machine learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Outreach
- Open Source Software
- Open Science
Ongoing collaborations
See ORCID profile
See ResearchGate profile