Gaia Newsletter


The Gaia newsletter is used to announce updates on the Gaia Mission and the Gaia data releases. If you are interested to receive regular mailing by Gaia (around 4 to 8 times a year), please sign up to our mailinglist.


Information about the mailinglist


  • If you sign up to the Gaia newsletter mailing list you give consent to the Gaia Mission to send on a regular basis mailing with updates on the Gaia Mission to you.
  • You will only receive mailing from the Gaia mission, not from anyone else on this mailing list.
  • You can unsubscribe from the mailinglist at any time.


Content of the mailing

Amongst other things, the Gaia mailing to the Gaia newsletter mailing list contains for example:

  • Summaries of recent news items
  • Compilation of links to stories on Gaia science
  • Updates on data releases
  • Updates on useful webpages to users of Gaia data

Read through the contents of the previous Gaia newsletters here.


How to subscribe

To subscribe to the Gaia newsletter we ask you to do the following:


Do you have a Cosmos account?

Do you have a Gaia Archive account, a Gaia DPAC related account or a Cosmos account for any other ESA mission? Then please sign in to any ESA Cosmos page and set your preference here to start receiving Gaia newsletters.

If you see the checkbox next to "My email address may be used to send the Gaia newsletter." is checked already, then you are already signed up to receive the Gaia newsletter and you do not have to do anything else.


Are you new to Cosmos? You do not have an ESA mission related account?

  1. Please sign up for a Cosmos account (you only need to enter your name and email address), then
  2. Set your preference here to start receiving Gaia newsletters



The "Accept" button on the "Privacy Settings" page is not active. What should I do?

The "Accept" button will only become active when you make a change to this page. If no change is made, there is no need to click the "Accept" button. If the box to receive the Gaia newsletter was not checked already, you will see that the "Accept" button will become active once the box is checked. Then you can click the "Accept" button to submit the changes made to your Privacy Settings page.

The box to receive the Gaia newsletter is checked already. What should I do?

You checked this box some time ago, probably when we asked you to reset your password. If you want to keep receiving the Gaia newsletter, you do not have to do anything. You are already set up to receive the Gaia newsletter.


How to unsubscribe

To unsubscribe from the Gaia newsletter, please follow these steps:

  • Sign in with your existing Cosmos account
  • Access this page and uncheck the checkbox before "My email address may be used to send the Gaia newsletter." Then click on the "Accept" button to submit the change.


Privacy notice

This privacy notice will be sent along with the Gaia newsletter:

If you receive this Gaia newsletter, it means that you have given your consent to receive the newsletter on this page. To stop receiving our Gaia newsletter, you can at any point in time unsubscribe from it by unchecking the box in front of "My email address may be used to send the Gaia newsletter." This page also provides access to more information on the Cosmos Privacy Policy, the Cosmos Cookie Policy and the Cosmos Terms & Condition.


Feel free to contact the Gaia Helpdesk if you experience any problems with subscribing or unsubscribing from the Gaia newsletter.