Gaia Auxiliary Data - Gaia
Auxiliary data
Any data that is provided to support the use of Gaia data or explain the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis in more depth are summarised below:
Gaia (E)DR3 auxiliary data
Find here the tables to generate spectra sampled on a predefined wavelength grid in the absolute flux reference system starting from the BP/RP mean spectra as provided by the Gaia DR3 Archive via DataLink.
Late identifications of previously unknown asteroids
Find here a list of asteroid transits that could initially not be matched to known asteroids.
Solar Analogue spectrum from sSO
Find here a description of the solar analogue spectrum used in the processing of Solar System Objects (SSOs).
Auxiliary files for Astrophysical Parameter inference
Find here a set of parameter files that have been used for the astrophysical parameter inference.
Wavelength sampling used for inferring astrophysical parameters in Gaia DR3
Find here the wavelength sampling as used in the processing and creation of the astrophysical parameters for Gaia DR3.
Gaia (candidate) exoplanet list
Find here a list of (candidate) exoplanets observed by Gaia, linking their names to Gaia source IDs.
Gaia CRF3 cross-match table
A table providing the location of each of the Gaia CRF3 sources that define the Gaia Celestial Reference Frame. This table is also available in the Gaia ESA Archive with the name "gaiadr3.gaia_crf3_xm".
Gaia (E)DR3 extinction law
A set of coefficients which allow the computation of the Gaia (E)DR3 extinction law is provided here along with information on how to use them.
The photometric system of Gaia applicable to Gaia (E)DR3
Find here the Gaia (E)DR3 passbands for the G, GBP and GRP integrated magnitudes, and the passbands for GRVS complementing the Gaia EDR3 passbands.
The model to renormalise the astrometric unit weight error (UWE) and convert it to RUWE can be found here.
Scanning law
Gaia scanning law pointings for the data collection period underlying Gaia (E)DR3 are available from the Gaia Archive in a table named "gaiadr3.commanded_scan_law".
Overview of gaps in Gaia (E)DR3 data
A description and overview of gaps in the data stream that underlies the Gaia (E)DR3 data products is given here.
Gaia DR2 auxiliary data
Description of the photometric system, gaps in Gaia DR2 data, scanning law pointings, RUWE, crossmatches...
Gaia DR1 auxiliary data
Description of the photometric system...
General auxiliary data
Full operational mission scanning law, cosmic rays, ...